10year old talented local gets the chance to perform on Sky show


A 10year old local has got his chance to shine after performing on a Sky show.

Callum is 10 years old and he was born in Russia and was adopted and came home to his family at the age of 1.

Callum has a diagnosis of Autism, ADHD and anxiety disorder.Life can be tough and he struggles with dealing with emotions and social interaction.Callum finds school difficult but he has a love of street and break dance, When Callum is dancing he is a totally different child and is very happy and feels relaxed.

Callum at 8 years old performed at Autism’s Got talent in 2015 and not only was it amazing for him, but the audience were mesmerised by his exceptional talent.

Callum was awarded a scholarship at Pineapple and this was life changing for him, giving him confidence and friendship and a place where he is not judges and can be himself. His dream is now becoming a dancer has given him inspiration and a goal to work towards.

Anna Kennedy OBE of Autisms Got Talent told us “Maggie Paterson Principal of Pineapple Arts and I will be on the Chrissy B show where Callum will showcase his street-dance talent and Maggie will be talking about Autism’s Got Talent and our eight scholarship winners through the charity.”

Please tune in on Monday 4th December on Sky 203 at 10pm to watch us on the Chrissy B show and follow Callum’s remarkable life story.