When it comes to sex, there’s always been a debate on what is appropriate to fantasize about and what’s not. With the taboo about sex gradually lifting over the years, it’s become much easier to talk about and engage in the different aspects of sex. This includes talking about kinks and fetishes!
Whether you’re a newbie to the NSFW world, or you’re curious about the different kink subcultures or a good girl kink, you’ve come to the right place! Here are 6 things you didn’t know about the kink community to give you an easy guide into the world of out-of-the-ordinary pleasures.
1. Kinks are more common than you think
A fetish is a broad term that covers a wide variety of consensual sexual acts that partners or individuals partake in. A kink is a slightly narrower term referring to specific things that people have an erotic or sexual interest in. Whether it be a fetish or kink, they are more common than you may think.
Up to 36% of people have a secret kink or fetish, you’re more likely to come across it than not in today’s modern society. The main takeaway is, is that there’s no need to be ashamed of or frightened of the kink community, as it’s more present and accepting than most.
2. There are many different types of kinks
When most people think of kinks, their mind often goes to whips, BDSM, and people dressed in skin-tight latex suits. Although this part of the community does exist, it’s only one side of the kink coin.
Kinks come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from simple and benign to more hardcore and experimental subgenres. You can find feet, leather, black porn, and asphyxiation kinks. There’s a wide variety of kinks, with ample content to be explored and enjoyed.
3. Kinks are developed early on
Most kinky folks recognize that they were that way for a long time. Most people develop a kink during childhood before the age of 10, but not in the most conventional way. Children don’t feel any kind of sexual arousal towards things. They can experience a kind of fascination or excitement towards certain objects or scenarios.
This can be as simple as liking the look and feel of certain materials and items. Some people report always wanting to be captured while playing cops and robbers, or being captivated by certain media or TV shows. As children mature into adults, they can better understand and explore these interests into full-blown kinks!
4. The connection between kinks and identity
In recent years, many studies have shown that kinks can be linked to, intersect, and transcend different cultural aspects. Some parts of a person’s identity can coincide with their kinks. For example, those who identify as dominants or tops in kinky circles can carry that with them in their everyday life.
For others, their kink is what connects them to people and experiences outside of their everyday life. Kinks often defy and contradict cultural norms and allow people to express themselves in a way they normally wouldn’t be able to. This aspect is what allows kinky folks to establish a strong community unlike any other.
5. Vibrant online community
Another thing to note about the kink community is that it really is a community. Because kinks can bring together all walks of life, there’s a thriving community both online and offline. Kinky folk can connect with each other through the internet if there are no like-minded people in their area.
Because of this, the kink community online is bustling with activity and resources. Educational information and content as well as plans for meet-ups all happen online. You can easily read up on different subcultures to get a better understanding of who they are and represent.
6. Education is important
When approaching the topic of kinks and fetishes, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and forget that there are certain rules to follow. Although a large part of kinky culture is exploration and pushing boundaries, that’s not all it is. Each subculture has a set of agreed-upon dos and don’ts which are important to uphold.
These dos and don’ts help keep members of the community safe, understood, and protected. The moral of the story is, that before entering or partaking in any kink community, educate yourself and follow the rules.
So there you have it! With these 6 facts, you’re ready to understand or approach the kink community with ease. Kinks are more common than you may think, and they’re nothing to be ashamed about. They come in many different subcultures and genres and are usually developed early on in life.
A kink can be a part of or make up your identity, or can help you exist outside of it. The kink community has a rich and vibrant culture online, that you’re welcome to peek into. Last but not least, remember not to jump into any kink too fast, and remember to educate yourself first.