A Guide to Pink Diamond Prices and How to Calculate Them


Pink diamonds have fast become one of the most sought-after and desirable types of diamonds due to their alluring color and timeless appeal.

Due to demand far outweighing supply, the price of pink diamonds has risen dramatically over the past 20 years. They are now seen as a solid investment choice with excellent long-term prospects in terms of financial yield. 

In this article, we’ll go into detail about how to calculate pink diamond prices and what to look for when purchasing pink diamonds.

Be sure to visit Astteria for their full collection of diamonds, and more information about how to choose the right diamonds for you.

Pink Diamond Prices: The Basics

The first thing to understand about calculating the prices of any diamond is that their price is governed by their rarity.

The Argyle mine in Australia is responsible for producing around 90% of all pink diamonds in the world. However, only miniscule 0.0001% of diamonds produced by Argyle are pink diamonds. 

In financial terms, this means that vivid pink diamonds, one of the most sought-after types of pink diamonds, was valued at around $600,000 per carat in 2014.

The Six Parameters Influencing Pink Diamond Prices

There are six major criteria that dictate the value of pink diamonds. 


Artificially created diamonds are becoming ubiquitous as a more affordable path into diamond ownership.

However, natural pink diamonds will always be more valued and highly prized than their artificial counterparts.

It’s difficult to tell natural and artificial diamonds apart without specialist equipment, so it’s always important to ensure that any pink diamonds you purchase come with a certified certificate from a gemological institute.


The more vivid, deep and vibrant a pink diamond’s color and hue, the rarer and more valuable it will be.

Examples of these valuable hues are Fancy intense pink, Fancy pink, Fancy pink, and Fancy deep pink.

Meanwhile, Faint pink, Very light pink and Light pink, while still a good investment, will not be as highly valued as their more vibrant counterparts.

Diamonds with a pure and singular pink hue are rare and considered to be very expensive. Their value increases even more if they have a rare secondary hue, such as purple.


The term carat refers to the weight of the diamond, with a 5-carat diamond weighing around 1 gram.

The heavier the diamond, the rarer it will be, which in turn raises the value.


Clarity refers to the quality of a diamond’s shine and reflection, as well as the grading of any external or internal flaws.

A diamond with a high clarity will have exceptional sparkle and shine, and a high degree of penetration of light. It will also have little to no flaws or defects.

Naturally, the higher the clarity of a pink diamond, the more valuable it will be.


When treated by a professional polisher, a diamond’s cut can accentuate its best qualities. These can be things such as its color, the symmetry of its shape and its sparkling and dazzling appearance.

A careful and considered cut and treatment will ensure the best value for a pink diamond, and a high sale price.


While cut refers to the diamond’s interior, shape refers to the diamond’s external form. 

Certain shapes are preferable for colored diamonds, such as Oval, Pear and Heart. These shapes help to bring out the best in the diamond’s color and qualities, and represent the highest in value.

Final Thoughts on Pink Diamond Prices

Pink diamonds represent a highly lucrative investment opportunity when treated with careful consideration. 

If you’d like to learn more about pink diamonds, Astteria offer diamonds in a variety of cuts, weights and shapes, and are on hand to offer expert advice on how to buy and sell diamonds.

Visit their website today to find out more.