Army veteran encourages Londoners to Walk Home For Christmas in support of former service personnel


This winter, thousands of people will be Walking Home For Christmas in support of armed forces veterans across the country. The campaign, which runs from 9 to 20 December, is Walking With The Wounded’s (WWTW) annual nationwide fundraising walking challenge to support its work across mental health and employment.

Whether it’s a short walk a day, a more challenging distance over the 12 days, or joining one of the organised walks in London, Newcastle and Manchester on Friday 9 December, walkers can take part in a way that suits them. Some choose to walk alone, others get together with family, friends, or colleagues – all do it to raise money for veterans.

The regional walks are new for 2022, and part of the organisation’s desire to bring people together and celebrate community, after some challenging years for all. Each walk has two 10km legs, and participants can join one or both, or walk as far as they feel able to. The first starts at 11am, and the second at 2pm.

Shaun Franklin, a former Grenadier Guard from Northampton, is taking part in the London walk on 9 December. He is one of an estimated 5 million veterans living in the UK. While most of the 15,000+ personnel who leave the forces each year have a successful transition to civilian life, a small but significant minority, like Shaun, do not. WWTW supports those who served, and their families, to thrive.

Shaun served for seven years and undertook two tours in Afghanistan. His mental health deteriorated after he returned to civilian life. He explained:

“When I left the Army, I think one of the biggest factors for me was almost a loss of purpose. I went into the civilian world and I did feel lost. It was 2016 and my first child Hallie was due to be born. That was the start of my decline and it progressed into nightmares, anxiety and depression. The lowest point for me was not being able to do normal things. Going to the park was impossible, I wasn’t leaving the house. I was playing an act the whole time at work and then coming home and just crumbling.”

Shaun was put in touch with WWTW who provided him with support including therapy. He said:

“I’ll be honest, at times I cancelled last minute but I trusted the process. Being able to step into a park for the first time was a huge turning point. It made me realise that everything I’m going through is changeable. I almost dread to think where life would have taken me if I hadn’t taken that phone call. I dare to say, would I be here?

“A challenge like Walking Home For Christmas is for everyone. Whether you can walk ten miles or one, what you are doing is going to help someone.”

The London walk begins at the Iraq and Afghanistan Memorial near Westminster. Walkers will then head west along the Thames Path (North Side) to Battersea Park and the Thames Path (South Side) before hitting the midway point at Wandsworth Bridge. At 2pm they will start the second leg, again along the Thames Path (North Side) to Central London including Royal Hospital Chelsea, Buckingham Palace and Horseguards Parade, before finishing at the iconic Cenotaph.

If you would like to join Shaun in Walking Home for Christmas, you can find out more and sign up at