Dang Tra Xuan Minh (real name Đặng Trà Xuân Minh) – a name that is not new to young people today. Only 18 years old, the young male artist has created many unforgettable music waves in the hearts of the public. Possessing a handsome appearance, a sweet, warm voice and the ability to play many sophisticated instruments, he has attracted more than 20,000 followers on the page and thousands of likes and shares monthly in the videos he covers on facebook. Recently, he has been particularly successful with a series of music videos covering songs, guitar and piano covers such as: “Ngay Cua Me”, “Tet Ve Som Nhe”, “Anh Thanh Nien” … Not only touches the hearts of the people who enjoy it, every word and every part of his melody brings a sense of confession, containing the ambition of enthusiasm and the messages that he wants to inspire. inspired people.
Not only active in the field of music, Dang Tra Xuan Minh is also known as an excellent student at FPT University of Technology: energetic, enthusiastic and eager to learn. He always lives close, sociable and always brings positive energy to the people around him. In addition, he also has an impressive talent for Guitar.

We had the honor to have a talk with Xuan Minh to better understand the life, personality and passion of this multi-talented boy.
Hi Xuan Minh, nice to talk with you today, first, please introduce yourselves to the entire audience!
Xuan Minh: Hello everyone. My name is Dang Tra Xuan Minh and I was born in 2002 and currently live with my family in Da Nang, Viet Nam. I am studying at FPT High School and have also been involved in art activities for 3 years. My current job as a freelancer is by creating a personal music channel with song covers, piano covers as well as guitar gifts for my beloved ones.
What is your predestined path to music?
Xuan Minh: It is because of my passion and love for music. From a small new age of 4.5 I knew the music, my 7-year-old began to play flute and sing children’s songs and all the songs of the adults. When I was 10 I had a strong passion for my flock, I learned piano, guitar and other musical instruments. Every time I sing, I like to get into my own world, I am made my own and are satisfied with the thoughts of innocence and simplicity. I love that wonderful emotion – the emotion that only has the new music gives me that. That’s why I really want to stick with the music, want to be friends with music and want to draw with the melodic melody. The music in me was like something that was indispensable, and it seemed to be part of my life, mixing a little spice, some flavor to my life.

Can you share your memories of our artistic activities with us?
Xuan Minh: Yes. Actually, when I knew about music, the days that passed with me were meaningful and memorable. And maybe I will never forget the memories when I went to film my first MV. I was very dedicated and devoted to that product. I thought to myself the script to prepare and take care of the port parts. Although it was very sunny that day, I still tried to bask in the outdoors to get good shots, then stayed up until 4.5am to edit, cut and match the most satisfactory. I still remember that day I even had my arm torn. But somehow I didn’t feel tired and sleepy at the time. And maybe it’s a memory I will never forget.
What did you have to trade to get today?
Xuan Minh: I had to exchange many things. When I first started working, I was quite confused and felt lost because I did not have much experience. I want to start my own business by myself so it’s even harder. Even I have to endure the taunts and teasing of some people. True to the road to success is not easy I had to practice both day and night, I tried my best to have one day stand on stage. I think no matter what, I will always be consistent with the music and give it my all. Because that is my greatest passion and I know that success does not have the footprint of a lazy person.
Do you think it’s too young to go into this professional music path?
Xuan Minh: I know the biggest challenge for me right now is to have to ensure my studies, work, and practice my passion. But I am always ready to face them. I want to experience more things at this beautiful youth. As for showbit, I’m not afraid and I will make it a motivation to try harder.
Have you ever been in a state of despair? And is optimism your attitude in the face of them?
Xuan Minh: I used to have a desperate life because of so many choices and pressures in both study and work. But luckily, I always had loved ones by my side to support and encourage me, I had more faith, lived optimistically and overcome the crisis period. I really thank them.
Where do your music products usually release?
Xuan Minh: I just entered the profession so there is no support team so I just released them on major music platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Youtube … Currently on the app. My app has more than 1000 registrations and listens every month
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1idPNPijqy2k08zvYNIkyJ?si=jx-Rrqo6TdqpstfeoRmPyQ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9gvrt3zYuroEE0s_EUwyqQ
If you didn’t choose the music you want to try?
Xuan Minh: I have not thought of this. But if I didn’t choose music, I would continue to pursue the path of becoming a network information security engineer.
Can you tell us a little about the upcoming plans?
Xuan Minh: I will launch new projects soon, not only covering the song myself but I will combine many musical instruments, as well as with other artists such as “Nguyễn Nhật Nguyên“. I will explore and test myself in different genres and promise a lot of makeover. I hope everyone will always welcome, support and love.
Do you have anything you want to say to your significant other during this time?
Xuan Minh: I am very thankful to all of you who have loved me since I stepped into this professional music path. And I hope you will continue to accompany and follow me in the near future. I promise not to disappoint my fans.
Thank Xuan Minh for the conversation, wish you always success and receive much love from the public.