Battersea born football legend, Fara Williams unveils mosaic billboard on Wembley Stadium with KIND Snacks


A 200ft mosaic featuring England internationals and hundreds of members of the public has been unveiled by England’s most capped Lioness of all time, Fara Williams, showing the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to create moments of magic on the pitch.

The new ad, launched at the home of English football, Wembley Stadium connected by EE, was commissioned by the official partner of the England Football Teams, KIND Snacks.

The mosaic was created to inspire others to celebrate the graft that happens outside of major tournaments, and serves to remind people that success comes because of the countless hours of dedication players of all teams – whether international or grassroots – put in.

The new ad by KIND Snacks, features the nation’s own motivational moments alongside icons at the top of their game including the Lionesses and players from England’s Para teams. Famous faces featured in the showstopping mosaic include Maya Le Tissier, Jess Park, Beth Mead, Selina Prieto, Harry Baker and John McDougall.

Candid shots of multiple England teams show what fuels them as they put in the work that leads up to thrilling moments of magic on the pitch. The ad was set up to unite people through these moments and give them a platform to celebrate their hard work on a national scale.

Alongside the Lionesses and players from the England Para teams, hundreds of grassroots clubs and members of the public shared their own images for a chance to see their face on the iconic stadium. Just like England’s international players, their shots also demonstrate the dedication that go into fuelling their own success.

The mosaic was launched following research by KIND Snacks which reveals 65% of Brits say support and recognition from others is vital in keeping them motivated to reach their goals. With 40% of the nation feeling that their hard work always seems to go unnoticed, it’s clear there is a deficit in supportive words from others. 45% said they only recognise their own success when someone else tells them about it, making it clear the nation is in need now more than ever of a reminder to pat each other on the back for their hard work.

Fara Williams, Former Lioness, says: “It is so important to spotlight the hard graft that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to sports, as so often we only see the major successes and not the moments that ladder up to them. In football particularly, so much mental and physical work goes into pushing ourselves to be better, so I hope sharing these stories will inspire others to find and celebrate the moments that motivate them in their journey.”