Bobby Moore Academy celebrates students’ success in East London


Staff and students from Bobby Moore Academy, part of the David Ross Education Trust, are celebrating their latest set of GCSE results.

Staff at Bobby Moore Academy supported students throughout their final year of GCSEs by running masterclasses, lectures, walking-talking-mocks, Saturday and holiday revision sessions and much more, to help prepare the scholars for their exams.

Students secured some impressive results, including:

● Ryan Roy who secured six grade 9s, one grade 7 and one grade 6 and will study Further Maths, Maths, Physics and Chemistry

● Arham Chowdhury who secured six grade 9s, one grade 8, one grade 7 & one grade 6 and will study Further Maths, Maths and Physics at Bobby Moore Academy as part of our scholars programme

● Angel Zhou who achieved eight grade 9s and one grade 5 and will study Further Maths, Maths & Physics

● Vickie Chen who achieved four grade 9s, one grade 8, three grade 7s and two grade 6s and will study Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Spanish

● Seraphine Hanson who achieved three grade 9s, three grade 8s and two grade 7s and will study Spanish, History, Psychology and English

● Krish Pachigar who achieved three grade 9s, five grade 8s and one grade 7 and will study Further Maths, Maths, Physics and Economics

● Cole Cooper achieved one grade 9, six grade 8s and two grade 7s and is studying Politics, History and Maths

● Aquiles Garcia Valery who achieved seven grade 7s, one grade 8 and one grade 7 and will study Further Maths, Maths, Physics and Spanish

Principal, Ms Sarah Donnelly of Bobby Moore Academy said:

“I am delighted for our young scholars that worked so well with their teachers to attain phenomenal grades which will take them to bright futures at some of the top academic institutions”.

Stuart Burns, Chief Executive Officer at the David Ross Education Trust, said:

“These are really excellent results. Well done to all our year 11 students!

“Congratulations too to our staff. You have all supported our students so well, together with the whole school community, including parents and carers.

“I am so proud of the hard work that everyone has put in. I want to wish all our students every success for the future.”