Briefings in support of Raab are a deliberate ‘smokescreen’ to try and save him, says union


BRIEFINGS in support of Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab are a smokescreen designed to try and save the Government from another high-profile resignation, according to the trade union Prospect.

Prospect’s General Secretary Mike Clancy was commenting on an ongoing investigation into Mr Raab.

He told GB News: “There’s something to answer here. There are just too many allegations…suggesting behaviour which is inconsistent with ministerial office.

“And now the briefings start to suggest that it’s really about obstructive civil servants or even worse, that there’s some sort of political motivation. This is all a smokescreen.

“Unfortunately, this is further evidence, something that my union and others have been talking about for some time now, that ministers and parliamentarians are simply not setting the standards they should do in the workplace.”

In a discussion with Mark Longhurst, he continued: “When you’re in high office, when you’re a minister of the crown, then you need to reflect on your standards and your behaviours and how you conduct yourself can have a detrimental effect on those around you.

“There’s no problem with setting high standards, there’s no problem with being demanding but in leadership positions there is a way of going about this, so you ensure that those who work for you are not intimidated…

“If this was in any other workplace up and down the country, somebody facing this pattern of behaviour would now face suspension.”

He added: “The reality here is there is now an interesting narrative being developed because we’re getting near the truth.

“We’re getting to potentially another senior member of the Government giving the Prime Minister a problem.

“I’m pretty sure that down the line here, the Prime Minister is going to be facing another difficult decision when these reports are completed.

“And of course, that’s why now people are asking the Prime Minister what did you know when you appointed him?”