Broadcasters Dave Clark and Tom Read Wilson are calling on Londoners to step up and Walk for Parkinson’s at Battersea Park this September


Parkinson’s UK’s Walk for Parkinson’s fundraiser is coming to London this month, and former Sky Sports darts presenter, Dave Clark, alongside TV presenter and actor, Tom Read Wilson, are calling on local people to lace up and sign up.

Walk for Parkinson’s will take place at Battersea Park on Saturday 14 September and is a part of the charity’s national fundraising series that helps fund vital research into better treatments and a cure for the condition.

Whether you’re a seasoned walker or looking to take on your first fundraising challenge, Walk for Parkinson’s is suitable for everyone.

Dave Clark took part in last year’s event at Battersea and is looking forward to walking again with other members of the Parkinson’s community. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 44 and has since helped raise over £400,000 for Parkinson’s UK largely through various walking challenges.

Dave says:
“I have been living with Parkinson’s for over 12 years, and it doesn’t define me. I’m determined to stay positive and embrace life. Throwing myself into fundraising and awareness-raising about the condition is one of the ways I do that.

“Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world, so finding a cure really can’t wait. Please, join us and thousands of others to take part in Walk for Parkinson’s. Together, we can make a real difference.”

Tom Read Wilson will be attending the event for the first time in support of family members who have been affected by Parkinson’s. Tom will be walking alongside his dad, Crispin Read Wilson, who has been living with the condition since 2019.

Tom says:
“My maternal great-grandmother and paternal grandmother had Parkinson’s and my father is currently living with the condition. I find it profoundly heartening to see how much progress has been made from the treatment of my great-grandmother to my father.
“I know my dad finds exercise the greatest mitigator, so it feels fitting that Parkinson’s UK has this wonderful annual walk series to get together and raise important funds. I cannot wait to take part.”

Matt Collins, 44, from London is also taking part and was inspired to get involved because he was diagnosed earlier this year and wants to support Parkinson’s UK in finding a cure.

Matt says:
“I can’t wait for the event. It’s going to be an amazing opportunity to join a massive community of people with Parkinson’s and their friends and family to do something positive to help defeat Parkinson’s.

“I think it could be quite an emotional day because the community will be coming together. We’ll all be united in our difficulties and be able to support each other to complete the walk. Walking can be quite tricky for me so it could be a real physical challenge but it’s one I’m relishing and I can’t wait for the day.”

Mohammed Kalam, Community Fundraiser for London at Parkinson’s UK, said:
“Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world. In London, there are over 13,000 people living with the condition. Every hour, two more people in the UK are diagnosed, meaning 1 in 37 people alive today will be diagnosed with Parkinson’s in their lifetime.

“There’s no cure for Parkinson’s. Yet. But if we walk together, we can make a difference to the lives of people with Parkinson’s. We can make breakthroughs and together we can stride towards a cure for the condition.

Whatever your age or fitness level, we’d love to see you at Battersea Park to Walk for Parkinson’s. It’s time to walk the walk and sign up today!”

There are two routes available for people to choose from at Battersea Park; a shorter, accessible 1.5 mile route and six mile walk route. Walk for Parkinson’s promises not only steps, but smiles too as walkers will warm up together, walk together, and finish together with other members of the Parkinson’s community.

It costs just £12 to sign up to Walk for Parkinson’s (under 18s go free!) and it’s suggested you try and raise £50 in sponsorship. All walkers will receive a fundraising pack with tips and advice, sponsorship forms and an exclusive Walk for Parkinson’s t-shirt to wear on the day.

As well as walkers, the charity is on the look-out for volunteers to help on the day. To find out more about Walk for Parkinson’s and to sign up to walk or volunteer visit: or email: [email protected]