CEO Nguyen Van Binh reminds young people – Do your best, play almost as hard as you can


Possessing an elegant style, charming talking and a “full of grit” head, CEO Nguyen Van Binh made an impression on the opponent right from the first minutes of meeting.

CEO Nguyen Van Binh – “Captain of the Company”

For many individuals / businesses / organizations doing business online, CEO Van Binh is a very familiar brand name in the media. This is the unit behind the success of more than 5000 individual brands. This system also helps more than 15,000 partners own huge revenue over the past many years.

By cleverly combining new tools, knowing how to optimize advertising with foresight, CEO Van Binh Company has brought many valuable consultation to its customers. As a result, the online sales system of the partner brings in total revenue of more than 10,000 billion VND.

Regularly working with high intensity, projects come pouring in, … but the company team is “tough” to surprise. Hardly anyone can see the fatigue, stress here whether it is an employee or senior leader. Professional image, softness, sophistication, ingenuity, quick response, … seems to be the “specialty”, is the “unique quality” of this business.

To have the current success and create a “personality” for your business, the role of a leader is not small. It is his mature demeanor and extensive knowledge in the profession that have helped CEO Van Binh successfully steer the company’s boat.

In real life, simple, easy-going, serious and thoughtful work helps CEO Van Binh to make a good impression on the opponent.

Starting point is a former student living in Hanoi, he owns a sharp mind, loves business. Right from the time he was on the lecture hall, he often worked as a teaching assistant and tried in many different roles.

In his first year at university, he started studying at a startup and was a co-founder of SuperShip – a fast delivery service, collecting money on behalf of people in 63 provinces with 2,000,000 successfully delivered. This is a stepping stone for him to found the media company, CEO Van Binh, and bring about great successes like at present.

A message to young people: “Do your best, play near your best”

If meeting Mr. Van Binh in real life, it is difficult for anyone to imagine what he has done. The generous, humorous, simple character has made this character closer than ever. Perhaps so, despite the pressure of the job, the company’s staff still has a way to overcome.

As a person who owns a modern lifestyle, CEO Van Binh does not impose employees, tying individuals into a rigid framework. Instead, he created all the conditions for each person to develop their strengths and strengths.

Many young people confided, coming to CEO Van Binh, they not only have stable jobs and better income. The “biggest gain” that this business brings is the change from within. The new way of thinking and new way helps them to dare to commit to overcome their own limits and improve each day.

Doing his best, playing very hard is the message CEO Van Binh wants to send to young people.

To achieve great results, keep up with the rushing deadlines from partners, at work, Van Binh CEO system is especially serious and professional. On the other hand, the head of the company also encourages young people to “play the right way” to re-energize, to see a meaningful life.

He said, “playing is also a way to help us more experience, have motivation to strive for work. However, players must know how to stay healthy, to know their way back ”. The message of this young boss is very realistic, hitting the employee’s mentality properly.

As Sundar Pichai once said, “As a leader, it’s important that you not only see your success, but also focus on the success of others.” It is the efforts to create the ideal working environment, creating opportunities for each individual to be himself, understanding the needs and psychology of the employees, … has helped the young CEO to have an enthusiastic team. Long term bundles to make the business more sustainable.

Believe that, with this humanistic direction, the Company in general and CEO Van Binh in particular will be even more successful.