Circular Training – Why Is It a Good Practice to Lose Weight?


Circuit training is the sequential performance of aerobic and anaerobic exercises, the intervals between which do not exceed 15-20 seconds. For each session, the athlete performs 5-10 cycles of exercises. The rest between them does not exceed 3 minutes.

A great way to start working out in the gym and try to lose weight without dieting. Circuit training for burning fat is also in demand among professional athletes during the cutting period.

Circuit Training for Cutting

Circuit training is more about energy expenditure than mass gain. It will not be possible to pump up muscles, achieve relief and symmetry with its help. But it’s easy to adapt the body to stress after a long break, lose weight and tone the body. Beginners also love circuit training for its variety – it is incomparably more interesting than monotonous aerobic and anaerobic exercises divided into muscle groups.

Principles of Circuit Training

Like any other, circuit training in the gym begins with a warm-up; the principles of its construction were discussed in one of our articles. You will also do strength exercises. Therefore, it is important to warm up your joints, muscles and ligaments to reduce the risk of injury.

What Else Is Important to Consider

Use basic exercises – they allow you to use all muscle groups and achieve maximum efficiency in losing weight.

Do not exceed the number of cycles – there should be no more than 15. On average, the training takes 35-40 minutes, it definitely should not take more than an hour.

Choose one exercise for each muscle group – your goal is to make the training more intense, not stressful.

Start with the larger muscles—particularly your legs and back. Only after this can you move on to the biceps, abs and other small groups.

Increase the number of repetitions – it is better if there are more than 15, but no more than 25. This will help speed up weight loss, while simultaneously using slow and fast muscle fibers.

Circuit training exercises can include both free weights and machines. The last option is preferable for beginners. This will not only reduce the risk of injury, but also make the training more intense and work on the technique before further training by dividing the exercises into muscle groups.

Circuit Training for Beginners

Circuit Training Options

In addition to the two main styles of this training, there are also different sets of exercises for men and women, for beginners and professionals.

Circuit training for girls usually includes more aerobic training and involves working with lighter weights. It is often aimed at weight loss and can be used over several months with increasing loads and increasing exercise intensity.

But circuit training for men is usually considered as preparation for strength training with the division of exercises into muscle groups. The key task of an athlete is to adapt the body to the stress, work on technique and gain tone. Exercises also help to carry out proper drying and reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat.

Examples of Circuit Training

In fact, you can create an endless number of circuit training options based on the above recommendations. Therefore, the examples provided are guidelines and not required structures. Any exercise in them can be replaced with ones similar in effectiveness, load volume and purpose.

Training for Beginners

If you’re just starting out, try to train no more than 3 times a week. This will help maintain a balance between training and recovery, reduce the risk of injury, and prevent emotional and physical fatigue.

Example of Circuit Training for Beginner:

Warm up. Rotations and swings, walking on a treadmill for 5-7 minutes.

Leg press – 3 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise for the back – for example, rowing the lower block of the simulator. Perform in 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Now for the pectoral muscles – let there be a dumbbell bench press in a lying position for 3 sets of 20 times.

Seated dumbbell shoulder press – perform 3 sets of 20 reps.

Biceps exercise – curling arms with dumbbells – 3 sets of 20 reps.

Press down – 3 sets of 20 reps.

Additionally, you can do abdominal exercises – crunches are suitable. Depending on your form and well-being, the number of repetitions in each approach can be varied. The recommended range is from 15 to 25 times.

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As for intensity, you can choose the best option for yourself. In this case, rest between approaches or cycles should not exceed 2 minutes. You can shorten it if you feel strong enough. For beginners, it is easier to choose circuit training with exercises for individual muscle groups and perform the exercises consistently. You can train in this mode for up to a month and a half, varying the load and changing exercises. The body should not get used to it – in this case, the training becomes ineffective.

Fat Burning Workout

Suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes. Circuit training for fat burning involves the inclusion of a significant amount of cardio in the training, stabilization of working weights and increased intensity of exercise. You can train 2-3 times a week. This will help you lose weight without dieting, reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and give your muscles a beautiful definition.

An Example of a Circuit Training for Fat Burning

Warm up with cardio – for example, jogging for 5-10 minutes.

Squats with a barbell – use working weight, do up to 20 repetitions per approach.

Dumbbell rows – 20 reps per set, you can use one arm at a time or both.

Dumbbell lateral raises in a lying position – up to 25 repetitions per set.

Seated barbell press – 20 reps per set.

Extension of arms from behind the head – an average of 25 repetitions per set.

Hammer with dumbbells – up to 25 repetitions for each approach.

We perform all exercises one by one, without exceeding the permissible rest time. After completing the main part of the circuit training, we perform crunches as a final exercise for the abdominal muscles.

Important: do not reduce working weights to prevent accelerated destruction of muscle tissue. Otherwise, you will lose body weight not only by reducing body fat. Also try to diversify exercises as much as possible, choosing ones that are similar in structure and effectiveness.