Hitmaker Craig David gave hardworking hustlers the experience of a lifetime with a live set at the launch of
Wonder Wash™ Fast Wash & Rave Launderette, where attendees experienced the 15-minute fast wash power of Persil Wonder Wash™, whilst dancing
to the tunes of the legendary popstar.

The Fast Wash and Rave Launderette launched as new research from Persil revealed that working Brits are looking to make the most of their time, with nearly two thirds
of people (63%) in the UK actively following productivity trends.

With a third of people feeling that they spend too much time doing laundry, Persil Wonder Wash™ is the first detergent from the brand that is designed for short cycles,
even in 15 minutes, ensuring that time-poor Brits can get a fast wash in without eating too much of the time in their day.

The research highlighted that Brits all over the country are hustling hard, with over a third (35%) considering themselves to be hustlers and over a quarter (27%) stating
that they have a current side hustle.

It was found that Gen Zs are leading the charge on this trend with nearly three quarters (73%) following productivity trends, and over half (51%) having a side hustle.
Additionally, the research revealed that 2 in 5 Gen Zs consider themselves to be morning people, and nearly half (49%) prefer to get things done in the evening.

Nathan Palmer, Homecare Marketing Director, at Unilever commented:
“Brits all over the country are leading very busy lifestyles. Between work, family, and social commitments, it’s amazing to see just how many of
us are working on important things outside of the traditional working hours. Our research has revealed that many people wish they could spend less time doing laundry, and Persil Wonder Wash™ was designed to help people maximise their time. It has been a real
pleasure working with Craig David to reward these hustlers with a once in a lifetime experience.”

The survey also found that
over half of people (57%) are awake by 7am on weekdays, with almost as many (46%) considering themselves to be more productive before the workday starts. In fact, Brits are making the most of the time in the morning, with nearly three quarters (73%) doing
their household chores between 5am and 9am. The activities that ranked the highest here include tidying the house (21%), followed by doing a load of laundry (19%), and emptying the dishwasher (13%).

Craig David commented:
“I’ve performed in some wild locations, but never a launderette! I’ve loved performing at the Persil Fast Wash and Rave – the crowd was brilliant, it smelled great, and people got their washing done in 15 minutes.”

Persil Wonder Wash™ is available nationwide at selected retailers nationwide. Pricing is at the discretion of retailers.