Crimestoppers directly appeals to residents in Tottenham and Edmonton to speak up and help stop crime


The charity Crimestoppers is asking residents and business owners in Tottenham and Edmonton to tell them what they know about crime in the area, whilst staying completely anonymous.

In response to community concerns about violent and organised crime, Crimestoppers is working with a variety of community partners, including housing providers, community safety partnerships and youth organisations. Together, we aim to strengthen the resilience of the communities most affected by crime.

Residents may have noticed a more proactive approach from law enforcement in recent months.

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Crimestoppers is supporting work undertaken in these areas and has launched this new campaign to raise awareness that there is a safe way to make a difference about crime in their community without giving personal details or speaking to the police.

The fear of intimidation from gang members or associates allows criminals to flourish unchallenged. They exploit and groom young and more vulnerable people who then sell and ‘run’ drugs.

By speaking up anonymously to the charity Crimestoppers, the local community can help put a stop to drug dealing and crimes that are fuelled by it, such as:
Drug manufacturing
Use of weapons
Violence against women and girls

Crimestoppers is encouraging anyone with information or suspicions about organised drug gangs to contact the charity 100% anonymously by completing a secure online form at or by calling the charity’s UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111.

Alexa Loukas, London Regional Manager at the charity Crimestoppers, said: “Crime gangs harm and intimidate communities and damage businesses that play by the rules. We know that organised criminal gangs are directly harming the local community and residents are suffering because of the negative impact this can have on their lives and the wider community. Fear often prevents them from speaking up.

“This Crimestoppers campaign is to remind people that we can all play our part in helping to make the community a safe place for residents and their families.”

Detective Superintendent Caroline Haines, North Area Command, said:
“This project is a joint effort between your local police and community partners in Edmonton and Tottenham. We’re committed to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour together. Your voice matters and we want to hear from you. Whether you choose to share information about crime or the people causing it directly to us or 100% anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers or their youth service Fearless, we’re here to listen and take action.

“We want to work with our local residents and partners to create a safer neighbourhood for everyone.”
Please note: With, computer IP addresses are never traced and no-one will ever know you contacted the charity. For telephone calls to Crimestoppers via freephone 0800 555 111, there is no caller line display, no 1471 facility and calls have never been traced.