CW+ launches GreenUP Lakeside activity space at West Middlesex Hospital


CW+, the official charity of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, is delighted to launch the CW+ GreenUP project at the Lakeside of West
Middlesex University Hospital (West Mid) to improve access to nature and promote the wellbeing of patients, staff and visitors. This initiative has been made possible by a grant from the Greener Communities Fund – a partnership between environmental charity
Hubbub and NHS Charities Together (NHSCT), funded by proceeds from the Starbucks 5p cup charge, which aims to create and improve therapeutic green spaces across the UK.

The GreenUP project has revitalised an underused Lakeside area at West Mid, turning it into a vibrant and welcoming space for the hospital community. Enhancements
include new planting, the creation of accessible pathways, and the development of a dedicated area for workshops and outdoor activities. These improvements now provide a serene environment where everyone can connect with nature and enjoy the benefits of fresh
air and green surroundings.

As part of this initiative, CW+ has also set up a participation programme, which is designed to encourage patients, staff, and visitors to engage in outdoor
workshops, acquire new skills, and take an active role in the development of the space. Activities include yoga, Zumba, meditation and landscape painting, which will have a positive effect on the hospital community, enhancing health and wellbeing.

A special launch event took place yesterday, which was attended by representatives from Hubbub, along with members of the hospital community, including
the CEO of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Lesley Watts, who made a speech to mark the opening of the Lakeside area. The launch also included a creative mosaic workshop with patients, staff and visitors. Performing at the event were
Arts for All
artists Matt Redman and Patricia Hammond, and the Hammersmith Community Gardens Association provided refreshments.

Sheena Basnayake, Hospital Director and Deputy Chief Operating Officer at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, who was also in attendance
at the launch, said: ‘We are thrilled to officially launch GreenUP at West Mid. The workshop area has specifically been created for staff, patients and visitors to enjoy workshops, exercise and movement classes, all of which support our ambition of providing
therapeutic care, right in the heart of our community. Thank you to the local community for their ongoing support with this exciting new development.’

Emily Thomas, Arts Manager at West Middlesex University Hospital, said: ‘CW+ is proud to have undertaken the GreenUP project at West Mid, supporting the
Trust’s commitment to provide a holistic approach to care. We are incredibly grateful to the Greener Communities Fund for providing us with the opportunity to improve the Lakeside space, which will not only bring health benefits to patients and staff, but
also the wider community.’

Jon Goodwin, Head of Grants at NHS Charities Together, said:
‘We are thrilled to see this project
come to life, and that funding from the Greener Communities Fund has been put to good use. Research has shown just how important green spaces are to our health and wellbeing, but we also know that there are many barriers to accessing nature, particularly for
people who live in more deprived areas. The transformation of the Lakeside area surrounding West Middlesex Hospital is fantastic and will make a huge difference to everyone who uses the space, including NHS staff, patients and the wider community. The launch
of the CW+ participation programme at the Lakeside will offer something for everyone – whether people want to paint, meditate and take in the beautiful scenery, or get involved in more vigorous physical activity such as yoga or Zumba – all of which can really
benefit our physical health and wellbeing.’

Running alongside the Lakeside redevelopment, education and sustainability engagement strand of the GreenUP project, GreenUP Digital has been introducing work and artists
at both West Middlesex University Hospital and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Interactive and immersive technologies will connect patients and staff confined to clinical areas with nature, including in Adult Intensive Care.

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