Ducklings hatched in chimney roof rescued by RSPCA and Surrey fire crew


Eight ducklings who hatched inside the chimney stack of a house in Surrey have been rescued by the RSPCA and fire service.

The baby mallards were brought to safety from the roof of the property at Thistledene in Thames Ditton after their mother became stuck after giving birth.

Large birds were eyeing up the mallards’ precarious position before RSPCA Deputy Chief Inspector Sandy Barlow accompanied officers from Surrey Fire and Rescue Service on an aerial platform to reach the stricken ducklings on the morning of Monday, June 17.

Their mother later flew off and has lost contact with her offspring despite attempts by her rescuers to find her. But all the baby birds are now in the care of a swan rescue and have been named after some of their fire service rescuers, including “Toddy” and “Wardy”.

A local resident had contacted the RSPCA and fire service after hearing the young birds in distress.

Deputy Chief Inspector Barlow (pictured) said: “Fortunately we got to the ducklings in the nick of time as they were vulnerable to predators and the extreme heat.

“Fortunately a member of the public heard a commotion and saw some fluffy down on the chimney pot and we are so grateful to the fire service for coming out. Officers from Esher Fire Station and Guildford attended and brought an aerial platform as the ducks were stranded over 50 feet up.

“The local residents were also brilliant. Another duckling (the ninth) fell off the roof, but was caught by a net a member of the public had put in place at the back of the property.

“Sadly the mother mallard flew off and while we did wait for her with the ducklings, the location was half a mile from the river and it is highly unlikely they would have followed her onto the water. Mallards normally nest on dry ground near to water, so the ducklings would have struggled to stay with their mother to find food.”

All the ducklings, including the fallen bird, were unhurt after their ordeal. They were taken to Swan Support in Bray, which is one of the RSPCA’s approved rescues, from where they will be cared for before they can be released back into the wild.

Birds who choose to nest in chimneys as an alternative to trees should be left alone as they are protected by law.

When an animal is in need, the quicker they get help the better. The best thing you can do if you find a small, sick or injured animal, or an abandoned animal, and if it is safe to do so, is take them directly to the vets who can help. In this case due to the height of the rescue it was important that fire crews attended for health and safety reasons. There’s helpful advice on our website

The RSPCA works closely with the emergency services and is very grateful for any help it receives. The charity can request the help of the fire and rescue service and some crews use animal rescues for training, but emergencies involving people always take priority.

To mark the RSPCA’s 200th birthday this month the animal welfare charity wants to inspire one million people to join their movement to improve animals’ lives. Together, there are actions, big and small, everyone can take to create a better world for every animal. To find out your kind of kindness and turn it into action for animals visit: