It may be the Easter holidays, but every day is a school day at SEA LIFE London Aquarium as its expert Aquarists share weird and wonderful facts about the inhabitants of the famous South Bank attraction.

Whilst known for their long tongues, instead of drinking water, frogs actually keep themselves hydrated by absorbing it through their delicate skin. They are also known to fuel themselves with the help of their eyes as they use the sensory organs to push food down their throats.

Although in the animal kingdom it’s most common that offspring are carried by females in almost all creatures, it is in fact the males that take the lead in the seahorse world.

And in a further twist, clownfish are all born male and when the need arises can change sex to become female, in a change which is irreversible.

Giving purses a whole new meaning, shark eggs are cased in small leathery pouches called Mermaid Purses. These cases are adorned with horns and due to being lightweight, the sea often washes Mermaid Purses onto the shore allowing anyone that finds one the opportunity to own a piece of aquatic memorabilia.

Aside from being known for razor-sharp teeth and a relentless bite, red-bellied piranhas can give dogs a run for their money with their loud barks. The piranhas’ barks can be heard in the Rainforest Zone at SEA LIFE London Aquarium, and leave guests wondering whether their bark is worse than their bite!

Catherine Pritchard, General Manager at SEA LIFE London Aquarium, said: “The kids might be on their Easter breaks, but that doesn’t mean the learning has to stop. Nature’s wonders never fail to teach, amaze and amuse and the underwater world at SEA LIFE London Aquarium is full of incredible creatures that will help little ones expand their knowledge over this school holiday and beyond.”

SEA LIFE London Aquarium, situated on the South Bank, is open seven days a week. For the latest opening times, feeding times, prices and more see http://www.visitsealife.com/london/