Find out your status this National HIV Testing Week


From 6 to 12 February, the Royal Borough of Greenwich will be sharing ways its residents can get tested for HIV. National HIV Testing Week is a nationally recognised campaign to promote regular testing and the importance of knowing your HIV status.

Cllr Denise Scott-Mcdonald, Cabinet Member for Health and Adults’ Social Care said: “HIV can affect anyone regardless of age, gender and sexuality. We offer a range of free, fast and confidential sexual health services, and I’d encourage everyone to get tested and know their status. People who are HIV positive can take medications that allow them to lead a long and normal life.”

Royal Greenwich residents can come along and get a free, confidential HIV test at METRO Charity’s testing bus in Woolwich. Residents are welcome to just come along and ask questions too. The bus will be in General Gordon Square on:

Wednesday 15 February 10am – 3pm

Wednesday 29 March 10am – 3pm

Mark Delacour, Director of External Affairs at METRO Charity said: “Join thousands of people in getting a simple, quick and easy test this HIV Testing Week. Our super friendly team will guide you through the process and can offer information around HIV and about other services you might find useful in the borough. ”

If you live in the borough, you are also eligible for free at-home sexual health testing kits. All you need to do is order a free kit online, complete the quick and easy testing process at home and send it off to receive results in a few days.

METRO Charity operates a dedicated walk-in clinic for Gay & Bisexual Men, Trans people and Lesbian women, who don’t have symptoms and would like to test for a range of STIs. This is a face-to-face, nurse-led, testing service, that runs out of METRO Woolwich office every Wednesday from 5 to 7pm.

An estimated 4,400 people living with HIV in England are unaware they are infected. Left untreated, the virus can put you at higher risk of poor health and passing the virus to others. Treatment for HIV has improved significantly and people living with HIV and who are taking treatment can live long, healthy lives, but early diagnosis is critical to the best health outcomes.

There are now many ways to prevent HIV and after 40 years of HIV/AIDS we are now closer than ever at bringing this epidemic to an end. This National HIV Testing Week, do your bit, take a test and know your HIV status.

For details of Greenwich Sexual Health services, please call 020 8305 5005 or visit You can also search for @METROCharity on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.