Foundation launches new £200,000 funding programme


The Persimmon Charitable Foundation has launched a new open application programme for charities and community groups that are focused on social mobility.

A total of £200,000 is available, with applications now open for two £50,000 donations, which will be awarded in May.

A second round of funding will open in June, with an additional two £50,000 donations awarded in September.

The aim of the programme is to give more charities and community groups the opportunity to access Foundation donations. Applications are encouraged from organisations that focus on social mobility and youth development, including learning and training.

Anthony Vigor, Chair of the Foundation, said: “This new open application programme will create new opportunities for us to support organisations that tackle inequality and aid social mobility, helping us to change more lives.”

The deadline for applications for the first round of funding is 11.59pm on Sunday, April 13th. Charities can apply via the Foundation section of the Persimmon Corporate website at