Give a Life-Changing Gift to a Homeless, Young Person this Christmas


Leading youth homeless charity Centrepoint predicts 24,400 young people will face homeless this Christmas.

For many homeless young people, Christmas can be isolating and upsetting – a reminder of what they don’t have. Sometimes even a small gift, when it is needed most, can be a new beginning for a homeless young person. Give the greatest gift this year through Centrepoint Christmas gifts. Ranging from £10 to £1,500, any donation small or large will make a meaningful difference.

Under £50

Toiletries and the Chance of a Fresh Start £10
We often take basic things like soap, deodorant, and toothpaste for granted. However, living on the streets, sofa surfing or sleeping on a night bus can make it hard for a young person to take care of their basic hygiene. The gift of toiletries can help a young person stay healthy and feel like themselves again.
Home-Cooked Christmas Dinner £15​
This is no ordinary home-cooked Christmas dinner. It’s a dinner filled with safety, warmth, and the chance to sit around a table, share stories, and forget about the past for a day. When you gift a home-cooked Christmas dinner you are giving a homeless, young person the chance to experience the magic of Christmas by letting them know that somebody somewhere is thinking of them.

Counselling to Build a New Life £20
Even one counselling session can be life changing to a homeless young person. With this gift you are helping to give them the vital support they need to recover from their past traumas.


Warm Bed and Safety – £50
A bed at Centrepoint isn’t just a way to bring a young person in from the cold this Christmas. The simple comfort of a warm bed can be rejuvenating and give a young person the energy they need to take their first steps back into education, employment, or training.

Transformational Clothes – £60
A cosy jumper, a fresh pair of socks and a coat are more than a way to fight off the bitter cold this Christmas. When you gift a young person a new set of clothes, you are gifting them the chance to feel confident about themselves. You’re helping to give them a renewed sense of identity and the self-assurance to face the world again.

Study Kit that Breaks Down Barriers – £65
For a homeless young person, stationery, backpacks, and course equipment can carry an unrealistic price tag. Yet without these, education can be an uphill struggle. Our study kit can help ease a young person into their education or training. By choosing this as a gift you are helping to start them off on the right foot and giving a young person the best chance to succeed.

The Greatest Gift Bundles
Centrepoint has introduced ‘The Greatest Gift Bundles’, meaning you can combine gifts to make an even bigger difference to a homeless young person.
Gift of Health, Food Vouchers + Toiletries – £65
Our food vouchers are a chance to provide nutritious groceries and vital sustenance over the winter period. In combination with our selection of simple toiletries like soap, deodorant and a toothbrush, this gift can also be transformative. You’re not only helping a young person stay healthy, but you’re also giving them a chance to feel like themselves again.

Gift of Christmas, A Christmas Dinner + Bed + Clothes – £125
A warm meal and the company of people who know what you’re going through can be an enormously meaningful gift to give a young person this Christmas. Combined with a good night’s sleep and a few items of fresh clothing, this gift can help a young person feel re-energised and ready to reflect on their next steps.


Sponsor a young person’s stay at Centrepoint for a year – £144
With a commitment of just 40p a day, you are providing a young person with the complete package of a room of their own, counselling and health support and the one-to-one practical advice of a Key Worker – the vital support they may not have had before, for an entire year.

Emergency food and the foundations to start thriving – £250
In the last year, the number of homeless young people needing emergency food support quadrupled. And the consequences go far beyond hunger. By simply giving food, you are giving a young person the freedom they need to stop worrying about where their next meal is coming from, and the space to focus on building an independent future for themselves.

One month’s bills for a young person living independently – £300
Even before the ongoing price rises, basic costs like gas and electricity can be a huge struggle for a young person living independently. By gifting a young person one month of their bills, you’re giving them the breathing space and peace of mind they desperately need to focus on rebuilding their lives.

Course of 15 Maths and English Lessons – £500
Many young people lack access, or simply have never had someone encourage or believe in them. With this gift you’re giving them the safe space to learn from trained professionals and unlock hidden talents. And you’re providing them with the confidence they need to progress into the world of work.

Deposit for a young person to rent a flat – £800
Taking that big step to live independently for the first time is a special moment for many. By gifting a young person a deposit for a flat, you could give them the security they need to help create a whole new beginning.


Gift of Education – £1000
(A course of Maths and English Lessons, Study Kit month’s bills)
With this education bundle you’re not only providing a young person with a course of 15 lessons, but they’ll also get all the essentials they’ll need to study, like stationery and a laptop. By removing the stresses of their day-to-day bills, you’re giving them the breathing space they need to build an independent and positive future.
New Year New Start – £1,500
Our New Year New Start package includes all the essentials a homeless young person needs to help them leave homelessness behind for good. With this gift you can help ensure that they have the sanctuary and safety they need to learn how to live independently. With the New Year New Start Box you’ll be giving six homeless young people a full year of room sponsorship.

All virtual gifts are available to buy or donate through the website: