“Help us make Islington safer” appeals Crimestoppers in new drive to cut crime


Crimestoppers is launching a dedicated campaign asking people who live and work in Islington to speak up anonymously about violence, drug dealing and gang activity across the borough.

With a particular focus on Finsbury Park and its neighbourhoods, the initiative is encouraging people to help reduce crime without the fear of retaliation or ever being identified.

Crimestoppers offers a safe and secure way for people to pass on what they know about crime 100% anonymously and without ever speaking directly to the police.

Over 2,000 people trust Crimestoppers with their information every day. You can contact them via the charity’s website and fill in an online form. Alternatively, call their UK Contact Centre on 0800 555 111 and speak to one of their specially trained call handlers. Either way, you will stay 100% anonymous. Always.

CS Islington campaign

Many members of the community want to speak up but the fear of intimidation from gangs and criminals stops them from reporting what they know. Crimestoppers guarantees complete anonymity to everyone who comes forward with information. That means no police, no courts, no witness statements.

Alexa Loukas, London Regional Manager at the charity Crimestoppers, said: “We know that organised criminal gangs directly harm the local community. Residents and local businesses suffer due to the negative impact this can have on their lives.

“Fear often prevents people from speaking up. If you are unable or unwilling to contact police, then please take some time to contact Crimestoppers.

“We can all play our part in helping to making Islington safer for everyone.”

This initiative is supporting community partnership working in the boroughs of Hackney, Islington and Haringey. Housing providers, youth organisations and faith groups are supporting this joint venture.

Your information could ultimately help cut crime and the violence it fuels by tackling:
Dangerous drug production and manufacturing
Exploitation of vulnerable adults and children
Use of weapons
Violence against women and girls

Superintendent Ross Hickman, Islington’s Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “We are actively working with partners, community groups and Crimestoppers to combat violence, organised gang activity, and drug dealing. Whether you choose to share information about crime or the people causing it directly to us or 100% anonymously to independent charity Crimestoppers or their youth service Fearless.org, we’re here to listen and take action.

“Organised criminal gangs have no place in our communities. We want our residents to feel safe and listened to. By working together, we aim to create safer, stronger neighbourhoods, where residents feel they can speak up and help our efforts to tackle crime and the negative impact this has on everyone.”

Anonymity: When you report via Crimestoppers’ online form, you can do so safe in the knowledge that your device’s IP address is overwritten, masked and can never be identified. When you phone the charity’s UK Contact Centre your call will not be recorded, there is no caller number display and no 1471 facility. Our specially trained call handlers will support you through the process and make sure your report contains no information that could identify you.