How businesses are using Instagram videos as a marketing tool: 5 ways to promote your content


Instagram videos have become an increasingly popular marketing tool for businesses of all sizes. By utilizing the platform to share their stories, brands are able to reach a larger audience in an interactive and creative way. While some businesses may think Instagram is only for pictures, there is a whole world of possibilities when it comes to creating engaging content.

Strategies to Create Engaging Videos

Creating the right content can be a challenge but there are several strategies you can use to ensure getting Instagram likes. Here are five ideas on how to create effective Instagram videos:

  1. Make use of location tags: These are small tags in the title area that drop down when you tag your video with a specific location or hashtag. By utilizing relevant hashtags as tags in each of your posts, you will be able to draw in a much wider, more diverse audience than if you only used general keywords or phrases.
  2. Use high-quality images: If you want people to take note and remember your video then high-quality imagery is key! Make sure all visuals used are consistent, interesting, and aesthetically pleasing – this will ensure that people do not become bored or distracted before they reach the end of the clip, resulting in better engagement levels overall.
  3. Utilize influencers: Influencers have huge social media followings and having even one person who is popular with their niche market mention or feature one of your videos can significantly increase its exposure/reach – as well as boost trustworthiness among potential viewers who may not have heard of your brand before but recognize the person speaking about it positively!
  4. Incorporate animation/graphics: Animations or fun graphics quickly break down complex topics into easy-to-understand visuals that make it easier for viewers to understand complex messages in less time – thus increasing their retention levels over long Instagram videos without any visual aid likewise!
  5. Experiment with length: Depending on the topic at hand, it might be beneficial for businesses to consider shorter more concise clips rather than longer ones populated by immense amounts of information which could get lost on viewers after three minutes of watching it all! Therefore experimenting with various lengths could give businesses insight into what works best for their target audience – as well as when they lose attention mid-way through any given clip, etc…

Best Practices for Promoting on Instagram

In order to make the most out of promotional videos on Instagram, businesses should take certain key factors into consideration before posting. Here are some best practices that can help get your message across and create more engagement with your videos:

  1. Keep It Short: Videos should generally be between 15-60 seconds long as this is enough time to get a point across without overwhelming your audience with too much information at once. Keep the content simple but effective – focus on one idea that can help you reach your desired impact.
  2. Use Relevant Keywords in Descriptions: Make sure you’re using keywords in descriptions related to topics associated with the video content (e.g., behind-the-scenes, promotion, etc.). This will help boost visibility for those searching for specific topics related to your business or offering.
  3. Use Creative Strategies such as Storytelling: Try telling stories around what you do or what makes up great customer experiences within your own product offerings; stories are incredibly powerful when it comes to engaging with consumers and making sure that your product/offering sticks in their minds long after they have watched the video(s).
  4. Include a Call-to-Action: Give viewers an incentive to view the whole video by engaging them right at the start with a call-to-action, such as “follow us” or “comment below” – this helps build an “eye path” throughout which encourages viewers to stay interacted until they watch till completion.
  5. Consider Scheduling Options: Post regularly and maintain momentum by utilizing Instagram’s scheduling options which allow users to queue posts in advance so they can be released at optimal times throughout each day/week/month.
  6. Boost your profile: One reason to buy Instagram followers is that it can help you get more views on your photos and videos. When you have more followers, your content is more likely to be seen by people who are interested in what you have to say. And if your content is popular, it’s more likely to be shared, which can help you attract even more followers.

Examples of Companies Using Instagram Videos for Marketing

As the number of people using Instagram steadily increases, businesses are also looking to exploit this platform for their marketing needs. By using Instagram videos, companies can successfully engage consumers and maximize brand awareness.

The first example of businesses using Instagram videos is Coca-Cola’s #ShareaCoke campaign. In this campaign, they created a series of short clips that depicted happy moments between friends who shared a Coke. This campaign was successful as it engaged the audience and reinforced its brand identity as an enjoyable treat.

Another great example of companies leveraging Instagram videos for marketing purposes is Sonos’ #HeySonos campaign. In this initiative, Sonos created a series of short clips demonstrating how their products could fit into everyday life around the house through playful scenarios set to catchy music. This was successful in capturing viewers’ attention and subtly informing them about what benefits owning one of their products could bring them in their daily lives.

Finally, Airbnb’s #WeAccept campaign used an extended Instagram video to promote acceptance throughout society regardless of race or nationality. This work by creating an emotional connection with the audience and reinforcing Airbnb’s values as a company open to everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from.


Instagram videos are here to stay, and it might be worth your while to consider transitioning from the use of still images to video if you haven’t already done so. Whether you use video as a way to showcase the product in action, share delightful behind-the-scenes footage of your team at work, or just as an eye-catching addition to your Stories feed – videos can have a significant impact on how people perceive and interact with your brand.