How Companies Can Make Remote Work A Success: Our Top Tips


As a business owner or executive, an efficient remote work system is critical to your company’s success. But with an increased remote workforce, how can companies ensure that remote work succeeds for their employees and the business? This blog post will share our top tips on creating a thriving remote workforce. From communication strategies to technology tools, we’ve got everything covered. So, let’s dive in!

Define The Company’s Remote Work Policy

To make remote work a success for your company, you need to have a clear and defined remote work policy. This policy should stipulate what is expected of remote employees and how they will be monitored and managed.

Some key points that should be included in your company’s remote work policy are:

How often should employees report to their supervisors
What methods of communication will be used for check-ins (e.g., email, phone, video conference)
When and how often should employees submit progress reports
What type of work is appropriate to be done remotely (e.g., tasks that can be quickly done offline or without face-to-face interaction)
What type of work is not appropriate to be done remotely (e.g., tasks that require close collaboration with others or complex problem-solving)
Guidelines for taking breaks and using vacation time when working remotely
Create a dedicated remote workspace for employees

Assuming your home has the space for it, one way to set yourself up for success with remote work is to dedicate a specific room or area of your house to being your office. This will help you mentally and physically separate work from the rest of your life, making it easier to focus when you need to and relax when you’re done for the day.

Try to be creative if you don’t have a spare room. Ensure your space is comfortable and has everything you need to be productive, including a good chair, desk, and light source. And if possible, try to set up near a window with natural light.

Implement Remote Access Infrastructure

Remote desktop control provides access for remote teams to collaborate on projects and has clear work outlines despite physical distance. Hybrid work is fast becoming a standard in many companies, requiring staff to report physically to offices for a few days per week and spend the rest days working remotely. A company that has hybrid workers can encourage the use of computer programs like Citrix, which helps employees use their work computer from home or anywhere else. Are you looking for an alternative to Citrix or Citrix alternative remote access? Check out Citrix alternative for business and remote work.

Remote access also benefits customer service teams, helping them to resolve issues remotely. How to implement remote access?

Register on the website and finish the steps
Download the software and set up your remote connection
Onboard team members and begin collaboration

Regular performance checks are important to keep your remote system working and to prevent downtimes.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Having open lines of communication is crucial for the success of any remote work arrangement. By establishing clear communication channels from the outset, you can ensure everyone involved knows what is expected of them and can stay on track.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when establishing communication channels for remote work:

Make sure everyone has access to the same tools and information. This includes company directories, project management software, and shared calendars.
Encourage open communication between team members. This can be done through regular check-ins, video conferencing, or chat apps like Slack or Google Hangouts.
Set clear expectations for how and when team members should communicate with each other. For example, designate certain times for daily stand-ups or weekly check-ins.
Use technology to your advantage. Several great tools can help schedule meeting times, share files, and track project progress.

You can ensure that your remote team has the clear communication channels they need to be successful.

Encourage Social Interaction Among Employees

When your employees work remotely, it’s important to encourage social interaction among them to keep morale high and prevent feelings of isolation. There are a few simple ways you can do this:

Encourage employees to use video conferencing for regular check-ins and team meetings. This will help everyone stay connected and up-to-date on what’s going on.
Create virtual social events or “coffee breaks” where employees can chat and catch up with each other. This can be as simple as setting up a group chat or creating a dedicated forum on your company’s intranet.
Ensure everyone has each other’s contact information so they can easily get in touch if needed.

Encouraging social interaction among remote employees is key to keeping them engaged and motivated. By taking a few simple steps, you can create a more connected and cohesive team, no matter where they’re located.

Promote A Healthy Work-Life Balance

Working remotely offers the possibility of a better work-life balance. Here are our top tips for companies to make remote work a success:

Encourage Regular Breaks: When working remotely, gettingcaught up in your work and forgetting to take breaks can be easy. Encouraging your employees to take breaks will help them stay focused and productive.
Schedule Time Socialising: Working remotely can be isolating, so scheduling time is important. This can be done online or in person, depending on what you prefer.
Set Boundaries Between Work And Home: It’s important to set boundaries between work and home when working remotely. This means creating a dedicated workspace in your home and sticking to set working hours.
Take Advantage Of Flexible Hours: One of the benefits of working remotely is that you can often take advantage of flexible hours. Allow your employees to choose their working hours within certain parameters.
Encourage Communication: Ensure you encourage communication between yourself and your employees when working remotely. You can do this through video conferencing, phone calls, emails, or instant messages.

Offer Flexible Working Hours

Companies can improve worker satisfaction and retention by allowing employees to work when they are most productive. In addition, flexible working hours can help reduce absenteeism costs and presenteeism.

There are a few things to keep in mind when offering flexible working hours:

Make sure all employees have the same opportunity to participate.
Keep track of employee productivity levels to ensure the arrangement benefits the company.
Communicate expectations clearly to avoid misunderstandings.
Set clear guidelines for how employees can use their flex time.

These tips will help you create a working remote work arrangement for your company.

In A Nutshell

Remote working can be challenging for businesses, but this transition can be successful with the right approach and strategies. Our top tips on how companies do remote work success have shown that fostering trust between managers and employees, investing in technology, setting clear guidelines and expectations, and providing support to employees are key components for success when transitioning to a remote working environment.

With these tips in mind, your company will reap the rewards of having a more productive workforce committed to their work from home! Whether your company is fully remote or hybrid, efficiency is a key quality to focus on. Create the best enabling environment and deploy functional remote access systems to help your team work remotely.