How Smoking a Bong Can Benefit Your Lifestyle


A bong is a large pipe that’s used to smoke marijuana, typically made out of glass or porcelain. The use of bongs has become a lot more common since marijuana’s widespread legalization in the United States, primarily because it is a simple method of getting high, not to mention an extremely efficient one.

With the price of everyday essentials soaring, there’s never been a better time to invest in a bong. This post will tell you why this is, as well as some other ways that smoking a bong can benefit your lifestyle.

Many Options

When it comes to smoking marijuana in joints, you don’t have many options afforded to you as far as styles of joint are concerned. With bongs, you have loads of different options. A popular style is the dab rig oil bong, which is a type of water pipe typically made out of glass. Some other types of bong are multi-chambers, beakers, acrylics, and percolators. If you are planning on investing in one, then make sure that you do your research and try to find the one that’s right for you. It might be a good idea to take some time to visit your local headshop or dispensary so that you can handle and try out bongs in person. It can be hard to make a decision about what to buy when you are shopping online. You may also want to consider investing in a pipe, which is almost like a portable bong.

More Affordable

Bongs, like ones from Badass Glass, are a lot more affordable than joints, mainly because when you smoke marijuana through a bong, you don’t need to buy anything other than marijuana. A bong only needs water and the weed to fill its bowl, then it’s ready to go. Joints on the other hand require papers, roach-card, and sometimes tobacco, depending on how you like to smoke. You will also need a grinder in order to get your weed fine enough to roll it out. You can pick weed by hand or even put the bud straight in your bong’s bowl when you are using bongs or pipes. There’s never been a better time than now to start saving money.

Social Smoking

If you are a person who enjoys smoking around others, then a bong is an investment that’s definitely worth making. When you have a bong, you are able to pass it around to your friends. You can, of course, do this with joints, but bongs are much more fun, mainly because the high that they produce is very intense, so you and all of your friends will get extremely intoxicated. On another note, make sure that you invest in a glass bong, since plastic ones release microplastics when they’re burned, and inhaling burned plastic isn’t good.

High Intensity

As mentioned in the previous section, the high that’s produced when you smoke marijuana through a bong is extremely intense. Various studies have been conducted to discover why this is, and the general consensus seems to be that bongs produce a more intense high because when you smoke through them, you inhale a lot more smoke. Going back to affordability, bongs are more efficient because of this. When you smoke through them, you get as high as you possibly can, without wasting any smoke or any weed. You can also burn the same bit of weed two or three times when it’s in your bowl, extracting as much smoke from it as you can.

Faster Consumption

If you are a person who’s constantly on the go, then smoking joints probably isn’t the best option for you. Joints take time to roll and smoke. With a bong, all that you need to do is to load your bowl, hit it, and then empty it out. You don’t have to clean it immediately either, although you do need to make sure that it’s cleaned every few uses, otherwise, it can become very dirty and not very nice to use. You can also buy a pipe, which is discreet and easy to carry around. You can put a pipe in your pocket and take it out places with you.

Carrying Around

Bongs aren’t easy to carry around, because they are quite large. If you want to use your bong on the go, then you should consider buying a smaller water pipe. A water pipe is essentially just a small bong. These pipes are very effective and easy to carry, although you should secure them in whatever you carry them in because it will have water inside that could spill.

Bongs are a great investment to make if you like smoking marijuana. The best part about them is that they are very easy to use, not to mention very effective at delivering an intense and powerful high. There’s no reason not to use one if you like to get high.