How Will Brexit Affect The Security Industry

Brexit series for FT.

January 31st has been and gone, and in the wake of Brexit questions are waiting to be answered. One of those questions surrounds the effect that Brexit will have on the security industry. While the effect Brexit will have on a multitude of sectors has been largely unexplored, we do know that the security industry as a whole makes up around 80% of the UK’s economy making it near enough impossible for security services to come out unscathed or unaffected.

Could Brexit Result In Fewer Security Guards?

Recent studies have shown some of the worst affected industries will be chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics and even the rubber industry. We’ll also see implications for the motor vehicles and parts industry. Although the ‘service’ industry won’t be affected as badly, the security industry will undoubtedly suffer simply due to the fact that a great number of guards (within the London area particularly) are EU nationals. In fact, statistics show that around 15,000 new security licenses were issued to EU nationals. That’s a huge portion of security guards within the industry. While it may sound like more job opportunities, it could potentially result in security services being stretched even more thinly to meet immediate demand.

Will Companies Leave The EU?

One of the most obvious ways that Brexit could affect the security industry is through some companies losing major headquarters based in the UK. We’ve already lost the likes of Nissan and BMW so what’s to stop a great deal more from leaving? There are a number of security companies also that have far more profitable interests in the EU as opposed to the UK. This could lead to a distinct weakening of the industry however, this could also lead to smaller firms growing and becoming industry leaders. 

Could National Security Come Under Threat?

While this won’t directly affect the security industry, it will most certainly have an indirect impact. With Brexit losing its ties to EU based security, this will undoubtedly have an effect in terms of national security. This could then lead to it having an impact on our own security industry as the threat of terrorism increases. Not just this, but the effect of public anxiety to a potential threat would also have implications for our security industry considering one of the main jobs of a security guard is to make you ‘feel’ safe.

In Total Guard You Can Trust

If you’d like more information on the effect Brexit may have or in fact, is currently having on the security industry, or would simply like to inquire about security monitoring services you can rely on during what look set to be quite turbulent times, we recommend you contact Total Guard. Total Guard provides security and key holding services throughout London. From manned guarding to door supervision and more, Total Guard have you covered. Simply contact them today on 0808 123 0003.