How Would a ‘No Smoking In Pub Gardens’ Ban Affect Vaping?


The potential impact of a smoking ban in pub gardens on vaping is a topic that brings multiple factors into play, from health considerations and regulatory trends to consumer behavior and the evolving social dynamics of public spaces. With smoking increasingly restricted, many are curious about how this could affect the growing popularity of vaping, especially in venues like pubs where social habits and relaxation converge.

Shift in Social Dynamics

Traditionally, pub gardens have been a space where smokers could indulge without restrictions, and these areas have often become associated with smoking breaks. As more public venues implement no-smoking policies, this familiar setting will change. For vapers, this might present a unique opportunity. In many cases, vaping has been allowed in places where smoking is banned, though this is not universal. A ban on smoking in pub gardens could prompt more smokers to consider switching to vaping as an alternative that may be tolerated, at least initially, in outdoor spaces.

Vaping might be viewed as a more acceptable option in social environments where smoking is frowned upon, potentially leading to an increase in its visibility in pub gardens with people choosing many flavours of liquids. However, this would largely depend on whether the new regulations explicitly include vaping or focus solely on traditional tobacco products.

Potential Regulatory Changes

One of the key considerations in this scenario is whether the no-smoking rule will also encompass vaping. As vaping becomes more widespread, policymakers may decide to regulate it alongside smoking, driven by concerns about public health or the normalisation of nicotine use. If vaping is also banned in pub gardens, it could lead to a significant reduction in its social presence and appeal, discouraging its use in public spaces much like smoking.

However, if vaping remains exempt from such bans, it could become the preferred choice for nicotine users in these settings. This divergence in treatment could accelerate the shift from smoking to vaping among pub-goers. Some may turn to vaping not only as a less harmful alternative to smoking but also because it provides a socially acceptable way to continue their nicotine habit in pub gardens.

Public Perception and Health Considerations

The public perception of vaping as a “healthier” alternative to smoking might bolster its adoption if smoking is banned in pub gardens but vaping is not. Vaping has often been promoted as a harm-reduction tool for smokers looking to quit, and a more prominent role in public spaces like pub gardens could help further entrench this image.

On the other hand, if vaping is perceived as equally disruptive or harmful as smoking by patrons or pub owners, there could be pressure to limit its use in these environments. Anti-vaping sentiments could rise, especially as public health campaigns increasingly highlight the risks associated with nicotine addiction and vaping’s potential health effects, particularly for young users.

Business Impact on Pubs

From a business perspective, pubs will need to adapt to changes in smoking and vaping regulations. If smoking bans lead to an uptick in vaping, some pubs might lean into the trend, offering more vape-friendly environments or even providing vape juice selections or vape-related promotions. However, they must also weigh this against the preferences of non-smokers and non-vapers, who may prefer a completely smoke- and vape-free atmosphere. Striking a balance between accommodating vapers and maintaining a welcoming environment for all patrons will be crucial.


The introduction of no-smoking policies in pub gardens could significantly affect vaping habits. Whether it leads to increased vaping depends on several factors, including regulatory decisions, public perception, and the willingness of businesses to accommodate this shift. If vaping is permitted where smoking is banned, it may become a common sight in pub gardens, providing a new social outlet for nicotine users. However, if vaping is included in the restrictions, both habits may slowly fade from these communal spaces.