Inside London’s First DNA Vitamin Drip


Get A Drip, dubbed as “The Hottest Wellness trend of 2019” launches a new DNA testing
service – the first of its kind – to allow customers to obtain a unique DNA profile to
understand exactly what nutrients their body needs, and allow them to take control of their
health and wellness with a personalised Vitamin Drip.

The DNA test is a simple cheek swab that takes less than 2 minutes. The DNA is then tested
and a comprehensive report is produced detailing how your personal DNA profile affects
your health requirements. A personalised Vitamin Drip is then produced, bespoke to your
individual nutrient requirements.

Until now, people have been having Vitamin Drips based on what they think they need.
Now, people can take control of their health and have a Vitamin Dip knowing exactly what
their body needs.

Intravenous vitamin drips (IV drips) are the latest health trend sought after by celebrities,
models and movie stars alike, well-loved for their impressive health benefits to instantly
replenish vitamin and mineral levels. Get A Drip launched in London in October 2017 with
the promise to diminish the excessive price tag and the assumed inaccessibility that IV
therapy historically comes with – making vitamin drips accessible to the general public from
a clinic in Shoreditch, London.