A fireworks display is one of the most breathtaking scenes you can experience. They make for great scenes, especially on significant occasions like New Year’s eve. However, despite the excitement fireworks can add to a night, they are also dangerous.
Therefore, when looking to buy fireworks, you should discover the rules and regulations in your country pertaining to the use and purchase of fireworks. In the UK, many laws regulate buying and using fireworks.
Where To Buy Fireworks
The first rule concerning fireworks in the UK is that you cannot buy them if you are under 18 years old. You can buy them from any licensed seller if you are old enough. There are two main types of licenses for selling fireworks in the UK; short term and long term licenses.
Most retailers have short term fireworks licenses meaning that they can only sell fireworks during certain times of the year. Long term license holders can sell fireworks year-round. You can also safely buy fireworks online through a trustworthy fireworks shop based in Manchester. Where you buy fireworks will determine whether they are legal or not.
There are severe repercussions to not correctly buying fireworks. There are specific dates in the UK when you can buy fireworks from a registered seller, including New Years’ Eve, Christmas, Chinese New Year and Diwali.
Setting Off Fireworks
If you buy fireworks for personal use, you can only light them and set them off in the privacy of your own home. You can also set off the fireworks on a property with the owner’s consent.
It is a criminal offense to set off fireworks in public places without legal consent in the UK. The police will arrest you if someone reports you doing so.
You also need a permit for public firework extravaganzas such as the one in Chiswick park. With consent, you can set off as many and as large fireworks as possible.
Keeping and Storing Fireworks
You can store fireworks on your private property in the UK if you buy them from a registered supplier. You also need to be of age to have a fireworks display. Though you might be on private land, you may be a tenant. If so, you should review the lease or rental agreement to see if there is a provision barring you from having a fireworks display on the property even on New Years’ eve when everyone else is seemingly doing it.
Even though you can safely store fireworks on your property, you have a moral obligation to ensure they have no harmful effects on others. It is also essential to follow the instructions and take necessary precautions when storing and lighting fireworks on private land.
If you obtain fireworks in the UK legally, you can light them on your property on any day as long as it is between 7 am and 11 pm. However, the legal curfew for fireworks displays will often be extended on holidays like New Year’s Eve, Diwali, and Chinese New Year to 1 am
Breaking The Law
If you break any of the fireworks laws in the UK, there will be consequences. According to the Fireworks Display Act of 2003, if you break fireworks laws, you can receive a jail sentence of up to six months and a fine of up to $5,000. Breaking the fireworks laws is a criminal offense. If you cause any harm to property or injury to others, it is a civil offense, and you could be sued.
In conclusion, there are serious laws surrounding buying, keeping, and lighting fireworks in the UK. You can get them from a registered seller and light them on your private property. Otherwise, you will need a permit from the authorities. Following these laws will save you from fines and possible jail time.