Islamic Relief UK and Cann Hall Mosque join hands to provide food to vulnerable communities after Eid al-Adha


Islamic Relief UK will team with Cann Hall Mosque in East London to provide food and essential items on Friday 15 July. Families in London continue to be impacted by the rising cost of living and Islamic Relief UK hope to provide support after the religious celebration of Eid al-Adha.

The distribution will form part of a wider scheme organised by Islamic Relief UK with the support of 19 partners across the country who will actively distribute essential items and food as part of the Islamic holy month.

Eid lasts for a period of three days – starting on the 10th day of the holy month of Dhul Hijjah when Muslims donate Qurbani (1), meat to those in need and are encouraged to share food with neighbours.

According to figures from Muslim Census, 50% of Muslims are living in poverty in the UK, a proportion almost 5x higher than other groups. Furthermore, 70% of Muslims have either had their household expenses increase or stay the same.
In June 2022, government figures revealed that the cost of living has been increasing across the UK since early 2021. In May 2022, the annual rate of inflation was the highest it has been since 1982, affecting the affordability of everyday items for households.

Tufail Hussain, Director of Islamic Relief UK said: The cost of living crisis is having a huge impact on families struggling to cope and demand for food is higher than ever. We are pleased to join hands with Cann Hall Masjid to provide support after the days of Eid so that families can enjoy this time without worrying about how they will pay for their next meal.

Syed Shafi, Chair of Cann Hall Mosque said “Cann Hall Masjid began our food bank project supporting 20 local families and today we have over 150 families registered. On this occasion, we have teamed with Islamic Relief UK to distribute a special food pack to families, while helping to distribute Qurbani meat so that all families can participate in the Eid celebrations. On behalf of Cann Hall Masjid, we express our gratitude to Islamic Relief for working with us in helping our community.”

Many people have been hit hard by the cost of living crisis, especially low-income families, those suffering from domestic abuse, people who are homeless, asylum seekers and refugees. They continue to make difficult decisions between feeding themselves and their families or heating their homes.