Just 3.2 per cent of Acid Attacks in London Have Resulted in Charge This Year


The number of acid attacks in London resulting in a charge have fallen to just 3.2 per cent so far this financial year.

The figures, requested by the Liberal Democrats, represent a significant fall from the 16.5 per cent of cases that resulted in charge in period of 2020-2021.

Overall, out of the 691 acid attacks reported to the Met across London since 2019, only 13.5 per cent have resulted in a charge, with the percentage having fallen every single year since 2021.

In three Boroughs: Camden, Hounslow and Kensington & Chelsea no suspects were charged over the last five years despite 41 incidents of acid attacks between them.

London Liberal Democrats have called on the Mayor of London and Metropolitan Police to do more to ensure acid attacks result in a criminal charge and conviction. The Party has argued that more needs to be invested into front line policing and officers freed up from back-office duties to investigate crimes.

Commenting Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member and Police & Crime Spokesperson Gareth Roberts said:

“Acid attacks have an extraordinarily devastating impact on victims ranging not only from physical scars but also the emotional and psychological trauma inflicted.

“Previous data also shows us that women are disproportionately targeted by these horrific chemical attacks.

“While I appreciate changes in legislation by the Government around the sale of corrosive substances do appear to have had an impact on bringing down the total number of acid attacks in London, it is unacceptable that the percentage of attacks resulting in criminal conviction has fallen to just over 3 per cent.

“The Mayor of London and Met Police must do more to ensure the investigation of these heinous crimes are prioritised and met with the full force of the law. Both deterrence and justice for victims is being compromised by these declining charge rates.”