Kate Robertson Reveals How One Young World Built an Olympic-Sized Youthquake


When Kate Robertson co-founded the youth leadership incubator One Young World with David Jones, she had the Olympics in mind during her initial vision. A lifelong fan of the iconic global sporting event, she pictured putting together a conference that would rival the Olympics in diversity and allow young people to gather and share ideas.

“Imagine if I had these young people from every country in the world,” Robertson recalls thinking when One Young World came together in 2009. “And it started really from that.”

One Young World connects exceptional young people from every country to tackle some of the toughest global issues. The organization’s annual summit convenes thousands of young leaders alongside world-renowned counselors to share ideas and develop solutions.

Robertson’s journey to establishing One Young World was unconventional. With a background in marketing and advertising, she initially dismissed the idea of creating a conference. However, her passion for leadership and vision of uniting young people from every nation eventually crystallized into One Young World’s mission.

“I’ve always been hung up on leadership,” Robertson explains.

A Transformative Experience

From those humble beginnings, Kate Robertson has built One Young World into a borderless force for youth empowerment. The organization now boasts over 17,000 ambassadors worldwide, with many going on to create significant impact in their communities and countries.

One Young World’s annual summit is a transformative experience for many attendees. Robertson reflects on the profound effect it has on young leaders: “I think what’s fulfilling for me is when I see what attendance at the summits actually means to these young leaders.

“It’s growing faster than we could have ever expected. So far this year we have had more than 70,000 applications — an all-time record,” she adds. “The value and excitement they put on being there with some incredibly famous world leaders, but also what they derive from seeing the whole world physically in one place is really … It’s a magic thing.”

Beyond the Summit

The impact extends far beyond the summit itself. Robertson notes that one of the most gratifying aspects of her work is having ambassadors return to visit, some of them from the early summits (which started in 2010). She said when they “get back in touch with us, come back here to the office to see us, tell us what they’ve done, write us and say publicly how much being part of the community has meant to them, how it’s changed their lives, what happened to their trajectory, is when you just go, ‘Oh my God, it’s so much more than you ever thought it was going to be.'”

One Young World takes a multifaceted approach to addressing worldwide challenges. The organization focuses on key issues identified by young people themselves, including water scarcity, indigenous voices, gender equality in health care, artificial intelligence, and peace and reconciliation. By providing a platform for diverse voices and facilitating connections between young innovators and established figures, One Young World creates opportunities for innovative solutions to emerge.

Kate Robertson emphasizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in the organization’s work. One Young World ensures representation from every country, actively seeking out underrepresented voices. The organization has also made significant strides in accessibility, working to provide equal experiences for all delegates regardless of physical or other disabilities.

Looking ahead, Kate Robertson and One Young Worldcontinue to expand their reach and impact. The organization recently announced plans to hold summits in Munich, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, and Tokyo in the coming years. Additionally, One Young World is focusing on year-round engagement through initiatives like the Global Leadership Program.

For young people aspiring to make a difference, Robertson offers clear advice: “Don’t judge, deliver. If you are busy delivering, you are not taking time and energy to poke sticks at other people. As Theodore Roosevelt said, ‘It is not the critic who counts…The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.’”

A Catalyst for Cultivating Core Leadership

Kate Robertson’s vision for One Young World extends beyond individual achievements. She sees the organization as a catalyst for better global leadership. The One Young World visionary has often leaned on her own South African roots as a steppingstone for inspiration.

“I’m obviously South African or was, and coming from apartheid South Africa, where the transformative leadership of Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu changed the trajectory,” she says. “It changed the arc of history. It was amazing to me as an adult and a CEO that the great and the good gathered in various forums around the world throughout the year, but nothing ever changed.”

That has continued to fuel her own fire to spread the word of One Young World to young people everywhere.

As One Young World continues to grow and evolve under Kate Robertson’s leadership, its impact on global youth leadership becomes increasingly evident. By providing a platform for young voices, facilitating connections, and inspiring action, Robertson and One Young World are shaping a new generation of leaders poised to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.

For those inspired by Kate Robertson’s work and One Young World’s mission, there are several ways to get involved. Young people doing exceptional work in their communities are encouraged to apply for scholarships to attend the annual summit. Businesses and organizations can support the cause by sending young representatives to participate in One Young World events. For others, engaging with and sharing the stories of young leaders through One Young World’s online platforms can help elevate these voices and create new opportunities for impact.

“It’s really trying to elevate the position of young people to say, ‘The world sees you,’” Kate Robertson says.