Letter to Editor – Unpaid carers in all our communities are suffering financial hardship


Unpaid carers in all our communities are suffering financial hardship like never before due to the cost of living crisis.

Carers UK’s latest survey of over 3000 unpaid carers shows that nearly half (45%) already can’t manage their monthly expenses and 58% are worried they will have to use a foodbank in the coming months.

Caring often comes with significant extra costs. If someone is unwell, disabled or frail, staying warm is really important. Special foods and supplements can be costly as can running electrical hospital equipment at home. With energy bills currently soaring and the cost of food and everyday items spiralling, we are now extremely concerned about unpaid carers who cannot make ends meet.

We are seeing unprecedented levels of stress and money worries being piled onto carers after a very challenging two years. In April, inflation could rise to 7% and energy bills by a massive 50%.

Without action from Government, hundreds of thousands of carers will soon be unable to cope and pushed further into debt.

Thank you for your support.


Helen Walker

Chief Executive, Carers UK