Across London over 52,000 people are living with dementia. Dementia is now the UK’s biggest killer, with someone developing it every three minutes. Of the top 10 causes of death, dementia is the only one we cannot prevent, cure or slow down.
Alzheimer’s Society is calling on family, friends and colleagues to unite against dementia this autumn by signing up for Memory Walk.
I love taking part in my local Memory Walk every year. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the life of my Nana Iris who I lost to dementia, whilst uniting with thousands of other walkers who are also affected. I’d love to see more people attend Memory Walk than ever before, raising more money and more awareness.
We need new treatments for dementia now – there have been none in the last 15 years. We owe it to the 850,000 people in the UK currently living with dementia to do something to change this.
Every pound raised will help Alzheimer’s Society provide vital information and support, improve care, fund research and create lasting change.
Unite against dementia and sign up to the London Olympic Park Memory Walk on 29 September, or London’s Marathon Memory Walk on 12 October at memorywalk.org.uk