Staff and residents at Wilsmere House Care Home are celebrating their hero colleague, Fajaz Majeed, who made the courageous decision to give a person in need the ultimate Christmas present.
Just before Christmas, and with the blessing of the management team at Wilsmere House, Fajaz Majeed, a carer at the home, made a stem cell donation in order to give someone a life-changing gift. Stem cell donation has the potential to save lives, particularly for individuals battling life-threatening conditions like cancer. Fajaz is proud to have had the opportunity to contribute in this way and to make a real difference to someone’s life. To him the decision was a no-brainer, he could help and so he did just that.
Fajaz would like to encourage others to consider registering as stem cell donors. He comments: “The need is urgent, and by coming forward, you could help give someone a second chance at life. Every donor makes a difference, and the act of donating can offer hope to individuals and families facing challenging battles with cancer.”
Lili Cocue, General Manager at the home, said: “We are all so proud of Fajaz, he is such a caring individual and he is using his selfless act to shine a light on the need for more donors. He truly is a wonderful individual and we all want to congratulate him on his bravery and for his compassion.”