London cancer survivor celebrates 30 years of Race for Life with 1990s stars


FRIENDS thought Lin Limbrey might be expecting her third baby when she developed a slight ‘tummy’.

In fact, she was carrying a tumour the size of a rugby ball.

Lin had no symptoms other than raised blood pressure, when she saw her GP. But weeks later she was diagnosed with adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC), Adrenal Cortical Cancer affects around one in a million people in the UK****.

Lin, from Chislehurst, has twice been successfully treated for ACC and despite limitations, is living a good life.

She recently joined keep fit guru Mr Motivator and other celebrities to launch Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life season and celebrate 30 years of events.

Lin, 55, a retired bookkeeper, lives with husband Dominic and son Josh, 23. They also have a daughter, Charlotte, 21.

Lin had always lived a healthy lifestyle but at the end of 2004, she was stunned to be told she had a tumour that was doubling in size every 30 days and had grown into her liver.

She had surgery to remove the tumour – the size of a rugby ball – along with her right adrenal gland, two-thirds of her liver, some lymph nodes, part of her diaphragm and vena cava, a large vein that carries blood to the heart.

Lin said: “I was lucky the tumour hadn’t grown into my kidney. But it was an eight-hour operation – it took me around six months to recover. My children were only five and three at the time.”

Life gradually got back to normal but in 2018, she started to experience chest pains and began coughing up blood.

A chest X-ray showed a shadow on Lin’s right lung and a follow-up CT scan revealed an 8cm tumour. She needed a bronchoscopy and surgery to remove the tumour and the upper lobe of her right lung.

Lin said: “Initially, doctors didn’t think this could possibly be connected to the ACC, but further analysis after surgery confirmed that it was.”

Lin was referred to an oncologist at Guy’s Cancer Centre who prescribed Mitotane chemotherapy tablets, a treatment that was in its infancy when Lin was treated the first time.

“This treatment had been mentioned to me in 2005, but I was told it was not recommended at the time.“

Doctors struggled to get the drug levels right, resulting in six months of sickness for Lin. She also suffered, further nodules in both lungs, and tumours in her abdominal wall and left thigh – all removed by surgery.

But eventually they found the right levels and although there are still side effects, the drug has been effective.

At the end of 2020, Lin started a gruelling six-month course of EPD – etoposide, doxorubin and cisplatin – chemo which involved spending four days each month at Guys as an in-patient. Cancer Research UK was involved in developing two of the three drugs.

She said: “Whilst I like to think I’m a good patient, my treatments have not been without challenges from infection, slow healing, lung collapses and a heamatoma in my tummy!”

Lin will remain on Mitotane indefinitely and continue to have three-monthly CT and PET scans. She is also on a cocktail of other medicines, including steroids.

She said: “I have good days and bad days, although I managed to go to London and queue for 13 hours to see the Queen lying in state, despite unknowingly having fractured my sternum two days earlier!

“Today I enjoy a wonderful life filled with love and laughter. Whilst I may tire more quickly and don’t do quite as much as I used to, I have a full quality of life, which I embrace.”

Lin and her family have also done a huge amount of fundraising for Cancer Research UK over the last two years, raising more than £24,000, including gift aid.
Among the initiatives was the Cycle 200 challenge, just three months after she completed chemo.

“It took me until September to cycle the 200 miles we were supposed to complete in June, but I was one of the top fundraisers, bringing in £3,695. I was very proud of this achievement, as I found it extremely challenging, given my fitness level.”

Lin’s husband, son and daughter shaved their heads as she went through chemo.

Lin also took part in Race For Life and the Walk 100 miles challenge last year and did Race for Life again this year. Lin is also volunteering at this year’s Race for Life Hyde Park event.

She said: “I want as many people as possible to be aware of the amazing work carried out by Cancer Research UK, because I am convinced scientists and researchers will eventually find a cure for this terrible disease.

“For example, I understand that Mitotane is now prescribed to all patients with ACC as a matter of course, despite the horrible side effects, as scientists have worked out how it can be used effectively to treat this particular type of cancer.

“Without the development of the medicines and treatments available today, my life could have been very different. That’s why I’m proud to support Race for Life.”

During the 30 years of Race for Life photoshoot, as well as Mr Motivator, Lin met other Nineties luminaries – TV presenter Anthea Turner, actress Leslie Ash and East17’s Terry Coldwell.

Photographed in nostalgic 1990s attire and accessories, the group celebrated Race for Life’s history and aimed to inspire people to sign up for an event.

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with headline sponsor Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, is an inspiring series of 3k, 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer by funding crucial research.  

Since the first Race for Life in 1994, more than £940m has been raised for life-saving research and participants taking part this year will receive an exclusive medal to mark 30 years.

Every year around 36,000 people are diagnosed with cancer in London* and one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will get cancer in their lifetime.**  Money raised at Race for Life enables scientists to find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer - helping to save more lives.  

The first Race for Life event was held in Battersea, London, in 1994, where 750 participants raised £48,000. It was so successful that it was extended to six venues across the UK the following year. Today around 450 Race for Life events are held every year. Race for Life is today open to everyone.

Mr Motivator – real name is Derrick Errol Evans – became a Race for Life supporter after losing a close friend to prostate cancer. He said:

“I’m thrilled to be supporting this year’s Race for Life, getting bodies moving and grooving to raise much-needed funds for Cancer Research UK. With multiple people close to me being affected by cancer, I’m proud to be playing my part in raising money for life-saving research. I led a warm-up at one of the first Race for Life events in the 90s, so this feels very nostalgic and celebrating this special occasion is an absolute joy. So come on gang, sign up for Race for Life and say yeah, ‘let’s do this!”

TV presenter Anthea Turner has also been affected by cancer. She said:

“Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is such an incredible event to be a part of. It’s not about how fit or young you are, it’s about everybody coming together to help beat cancer and most importantly having a laugh whilst we do it.

“Cancer can impact anyone’s life and like many other people, I’ve felt its effects. Losing two friends to breast cancer within weeks of each other was a real reminder that life is short, so I’m encouraging everyone to dust off their 90s gear and get in the community spirit for a brilliant cause which will be remembered for years to come.”

Cancer Research UK’s spokesperson for London, Lynn Daly, said: “We’d love Londoners to join us during our 30th year of Race for Life. Sadly, cancer affects all of us in some way.  

“We want to make sure that everyone can join the Race for Life movement. Our participants come from different backgrounds, with different stories, but with one thing in common – the determination to help beat cancer. Whether people are living with cancer, taking part in honour of or in memory of a loved one with cancer, or signing up to protect their own children’s future, everyone has a reason to Race for Life.  

“We’ve seen survival rates in the UK double in the last forty years thanks to the tireless efforts of researchers, but this can only happen with the continued support of fundraisers up and down the country. 

“Together we can bring about a future free from the fear of cancer. So we’re asking Londoners: Who will you Race for?” 
Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with headline sponsor Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group, raises funds for world-class research to help beat 200 types of cancer – including bowel cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancer, children’s cancers and leukaemia.   
Chief executive of Standard Life, Andy Curran, said: “We are extremely proud to have been chosen as the headline sponsor of Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life. This sponsorship will help encourage participation and raise funds for life-saving research to help beat cancer.”    
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