LSBU students make professional debuts at the National Theatre


London South Bank University (LSBU) acting graduates will be making their professional debuts on the prestigious National Theatre stage next month as part of a season of brand
new work.

The New Views season is an annual festival of new writing and will see LSBU students form part of a 26-strong ensemble performing in nine different National Theatre plays
as part of the programme.

Isabel Joseph, Sully Bishop, Joe McGoff, Michaela Tapper, Georgie Chidgey and Libby Pepler are the talented thespians who will be undertaking their first paid professional
work on the National Theatre stage in July 2024.

Gill Foster, Head of Performance Arts, LSBU, said:

“We are thrilled to be working in partnership with the National Theatre which is a stone’s throw from LSBU. LSBU students have enjoyed many exciting opportunities as a result
of this new partnership including access to professional workshops, paid work opportunities and of course, free tickets to top shows. We are delighted that six of our graduating students have been cast in the New Views festival from 4-5 July. This will be
the LSBU students’ first paid work straight out of university and will really launch them into their professional acting careers.”

Michaela Tapper, BA Acting and Performance student at LSBU, said:

“The opportunity to be able to finish my LSBU acting degree and have such a smooth transition into work for the world-renowned National Theatre is amazing. I have only just
finished my degree and now I am able to apply my training in my first professional job. This will be a life-changer in terms of developing my skills, and getting a professional credit so quickly is fantastic. Studying at LSBU meant that I have had countless
opportunities to work and network with the industry as well as being immersed with creatives that have the same drive and determination as me. My LSBU Acting and Performance course has given me everything I need to succeed as an actor – I can’t wait!”