Discuss The Basics of Medicare Advantage and Travel


Medicare Advantage can also be referred to as Medicare Part C. With this, people who have Medicare part A and B are able to get coverage through their private insurance plans. The government is going to pay a fixed amount to the company for the care. What this means is that you are going to continue paying for premiums for Medicare Part B, but there are several factors that are going to determine other costs, and some of them include co-payments, deductibles, and provider networks according to Russell Noga of

The plans have to have the same level of coverage compared to Part A and B, which include hospital and medical coverage. There are some additional benefits that come with the plan, including dental or vision, that is not included in the traditional Medicare. The plans in most cases will include prescription drug coverage because it offers Medicare Part D.

Russell and the team at have been helping people find the right plan for years now and they’ve some great information if you’re interested in Medicare Advantage and travel.

  1. Knowing Your Travel Plans

The options you are going to have when it comes to traveling and Medicare Advantage is going to change based on where you are going and the length of the trip. You will also have to keep in mind that you have limited options when it comes to the change of Medicare Advantage when it is not within the enrolment period, which is starts on October 15 and ends on December 7 every year.

The first thing you need to know is if you are going to travel within the US, internationally or on a multi-centre, tailor made holiday, because there are different options for these types of travel. It is also important to know whether the trip is going to take a week or two, or it is a 6-month trip. When making your plan, you will need to have this information.

  1. Choosing a Travel that is Friendly to the Plan

You will find that some plans are friendlier to travel than others. If you plan on traveling, then you should take some time to go through the different plans you are eligible for then find the option you think is best for you. If you choose to have a plan restricting you to in-network health providers, then you might have a hard time finding providers outside the service area. This can translate to more in out-of-pocket costs. PPO can be great because they tend to provide more flexible networks, which gives you the chance of finding physicians when traveling.

There are some services that don’t come with Medicare that Medicare Advantage providers can offer. Take a look at for a supplement plan that will work for you. There are some cases where the services can include overseas health coverage. If you are planning on traveling outside the country, then consider asking whether they provide overseas coverage. Travel-friendly options have started to become more popular. There are some plans from providers that give you the chance of traveling for up to 12 months in the use before you are disenrolled, and sunbird coverage gives you the freedom of using it across two states. This is a good option for people spending their warmer winter in the south and summers in the north.

  1. Knowing what is covered

Advantage plans have to cover urgent care and emergencies in the US, including its territories such as American Samoa and Puerto Rico. When outside the US or its territories, the coverage can be limited when you are on the traditional plan. If the case is non-emergency, you are faced with more limitations, such as being forced to use the in-network healthcare providers.

When you choose a plan that is friendlier for traveling, you might still have to deal with limited coverage. There are some that are going to work overseas only when you need emergency care. This means you will be left to take care of non-emergency care and medication. It is important for you to know what is covered and what is not before you live. You will be in a better position when you know what you are liable for.

  1. Knowing More About Maximizing Out of Pocket Expenses Work on the Plan You are On

There is a spending limit on the maximum out-of-pocket (MOOP) on Medicare Advantage plans, which is going to help people needing a high amount of care by keeping it down. Once you have reached the limit, the plan is going to cover all the costs for the remaining part of the year. One thing to know is that out-of-network costs might not be contributing to the limit or might see it increasing. You need to go through the fine print of the plan you want and wee what is going to be counted towards your MOOP. It is common to find it worded like “the yearly limit of the plan is $7,000 from services from in-network providers”. It is important to make sure you know MOOP to avoid unexpected costs.

  1. Considering Other Insurance Options

If you are unable to find a plan with the options needed for the journey, then you should have a look at travel insurance. Even if you find a plan that is friendly to travel, you can have peace of mind getting travel insurance because it comes with extra coverage. The plans can come with the option of medical transport back to the United States if there is an emergency, and this can mean using the regular plan for most of the care. You need to know that older adults have to pay higher and also covering pre-existing conditions.