Meet Dr Hasan Benar: Celebrity Cosmetic Dermatologist


Dr Hasan Benar was born on May 8 1987 in Cyprus. He graduated from Yeni Erenkoy High School with honours and went to the medical faculty in 2004. In 2011, He graduated from Hacettepe Medical Faculty with a High HonourCertificate in Ankara.

Dr Hasan Benar completed his fellowship in Dermatology at Ankara Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital. Dr Hasan Benar is a dermatologist and based in Harley Street. He has 10 years of extensive experience in the aesthetic industry. In the past ten years, he has attended more than fifty scientific congresses to keep abreast of technology in the field.

Dr Hasan Benar has many published medical articles in the medical literature. Dr Hasan Benar works in his clinic at Harley Street, the most famous medical street in London.

Dr Hasan Benar found new dermal filler techniques named 2 Point Jawline and Rhinolift.

Dr Hasan Benar became a popular name in a short time. He performs aesthetic treatments to the famous models and movie stars from many parts of the world, such as London, New York, Paris, and Berlin.