More than 1 in 4 London employers have seen an increase in staff sickness


Over one in four employers in London have seen an increase in staff sickness absence, according to a new survey.

Workplace expert, Acas, commissioned YouGov to ask employers in September if they had seen any changes to the number of employees being off sick compared to 12 months ago.

The poll found that for London:

· 29% of employers had seen an increase in sickness absence

· 14% had seen a decrease

· Almost one-half (49%) said the number of staff taking sickness absence had stayed roughly the same

· 8% didn’t know.

Acas London Director Henicka Uddin said:

“London businesses are seeing an increase in the number of employees absent through sickness, and they may be impacted by increases in flu or COVID cases, or the effects of long COVID.

“When employees are unwell, it is important that businesses have a clear absence policy to reassure them about their rights and to ensure the business stays on an even keel.

“Effective handling of sickness absences at work can also provide clarity for employers and employees, and help avoid potential disputes.”

Acas advises that employers should have an absence policy in place that is clear about what is expected from both employers and employees if staff need time off work.

An absence policy should include:

· How to report absences and keep in touch. This includes who the employee should contact and when;

· What support is available for staff during absences and when they return to work;

· When the employee needs to get a fit note;

· How much the employee will be paid and for how long; and

· What to do if someone needs time for reasons related to a disability.

If a business does not have an absence policy, employees can ask their employer or HR manager what they need to do to take time off work.