North London charity Mayhew faces ‘cat crisis’ as number of abandoned and stray animals skyrockets and adoption applications plummet


Animal welfare charity, Mayhew, is facing a crisis as the number of cats and kittens abandoned on its doorstep has skyrocketed in 2024.

Staff at the north-west London charity say cats and kittens are being left outside the building or in their reception almost daily, while more and more strays – the majority of which are not microchipped – are being brought to them.

The demand for Mayhew’s services rose sharply following the pandemic and has not dropped since, as pet owners continue to feel the pressure of the cost-of-living crisis and rising veterinary costs. In the past year, Mayhew has received over 1,000 requests from owners to give up their cats and kittens, as well as 600 requests to take in strays. During this same period, the charity rehomed 425 cats and kittens – while the team do all they can to take these animals in and find them homes, the demand far outstrips Mayhew’s capacity.

Stitch, who was found in a cat carrier outside the Mayhew clinic doors, is just one example of the sort of situations the teams are facing. She was accompanied by a distressing note explaining that her family could no longer afford to care for her. She was swiftly brought in and given all the love and support she needed during this distressing time.

Stitch has now been adopted, but with the number of adoption applications falling, many cats and kittens in Mayhew’s care are facing an excruciatingly long wait for their forever homes.


Stitch was found in a cat carrier outside the charity, accompanied by a heart-breaking note, below

The note accompanying Stitch

The team are also finding that many of the cats abandoned have medical requirements, in particular skin conditions. Cats like Sophie, who was found by a couple concerned for her welfare. Sophie needed urgent medical care due to her poor skin condition – she was covered in fleas, with a likely flea allergy, and markedly underweight. The Mayhew teams got to work, giving Sophie extensive veterinary care and lots of TLC, until she was ready to be rehomed.


Sophie required immediate medical care due to her skin condition

“We have not faced a situation like this in the nine years that I have worked here,” says Georgina Costi, Head of Cattery. “Abandonments have increased so dramatically that we have only been able to take in one cat from our existing waiting list in July.

Every cat that comes through our doors receives tailored veterinary and behavioural care. We give them all the support and love they need to find their forever home – but as the number of cats and kittens abandoned goes up and the number of people wanting to adopt falls, the situation is becoming overwhelming.”

The increase in abandonments has prompted an urgent appeal from Mayhew for adopters to come forward, or if people feel unable to adopt, to support the charity through donations. Every animal that Mayhew cares for costs them approximately £1,000. The charity is almost entirely reliant on generous donations and receives no government funding.

“It is heart-breaking seeing these cats and kittens growing up in shelter,” continues Georgina. “Our staff and volunteers ensure they feel loved and cared for, but really, we know that nothing can replace a loving home.”