Only 13% of Brits support disruptions being caused by Just Stop Oil


AN overwhelming majority of people are opposed to Just Stop Oil – and would back harsher punishments for protestors, a new poll has revealed.
The GB News People’s Poll* found just 13 percent of British adults express any support for the disruptions caused by Just Stop Oil.
The survey of 1,198 people, saw 62% of the country say they “oppose” them with 47% of these
“strongly opposing” their actions.
Overall, more than half the country, 52%, support harsher punishments, rising to 82% of Conservative voters, while only 23% of the country oppose such harsher punishments.
The poll also probed public support for paying climate reparations to developing countries in response to the country’s historic role in climate change.
But, overall, only a minority of voters – 23 % – support paying reparations while 41% oppose them, with the remaining neither supporting nor opposing or saying they do not know. Only 12% of Conservative Party voters support paying such reparations compared to 43% of Labour voters. There is similarly a noticeable Brexit divide with 11% of Leavers supporting reparations compared to 40% of Remainers.
Commenting, Matthew Goodwin, professor of politics at the University of Kent, told GB News, said: “What these results show is that the vast majority of people are opposed to the disruptive campaigns of the sort organised by Just For Oil, and more than half the country back a tougher approach to dealing with them.
“Only 13% of the country supports these protests. The vast majority do not. That said, we do find some striking differences with one third of Labour voters and one quarter of 18-24 year olds from Generation Z voicing their support for these campaigns.
“We find little evidence that the British people would support paying climate reparations to developing nations, something Rishi Sunak has suggested he is open to. Not even one quarter of the country supports this idea.”
The poll also revealed how support for Reform UK has hit a record high. When asked how they’d vote in a General Election 8% opted for the Richard Tice led party, a record high level of support.
In comparison to last week’s People’s Poll, Labour is down 5 points from 47% to 42%, the Conservative Party is standing still at 21%. Lib Dem is down 1 point (from 10% to 9%), while the Green Party is up 2 points (from 7% to 9%).
Mr Goodwin added: “If I were advising Rishi Sunak I would be telling him to watch this trend closely. The last thing the Conservatives need right now is a renewed revolt on the right. Even if Tice and his party poll 5% at the next general election it could be more than enough to make any return to Downing Street for Rishi Sunak impossible.”
Meanwhile in a blow to Donald Trump, a majority, 57%, believe the former US President is a threat to democracy in the United States. Among Labour voters, 81% believe Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, whereas 48% of Conservative voters believe Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Interestingly, if anything, pensioners are more likely to see Donald Trump as a threat to democracy in the United States (66%) compared to Gen Z (53%).

*The People’s Poll is a member of the British Polling Council and is a nationally representative sample.