Poorly cat abandoned in London street ‘victim of cost of living crisis’


An ill cat who was abandoned in an East London street is a victim of the sad cost of living crisis, say the RSPCA – as it is believed the animal was dumped because her owners couldn’t afford vet fees.

The animal welfare charity is appealing for information about who abandoned the cat in Lea Hall Gardens, Leyton, on Tuesday (17 April). She was found in a blue and white cat carrier by bins outside a communal block.

Sadly, the cat was so ill she was unable to move and her fur was covered in saliva. Both of her front legs have shaved patches, indicating she has recently had blood taken at a vets.

She is now being cared for at the charity’s Finsbury Park Animal Hospital, where staff have named her Shania.

RSPCA animal rescue officer Michael Harrington said: “This leads us to believe that, heartbreakingly, her owners took her to a vet but were unable to afford treatment so cruelly abandoned her – making her yet another victim of the current cost of living crisis.”

The charity’s officers are seeing the impact of the cost of living crisis on the frontline – more people are abandoning animals, more animals are coming into their care, and rehoming is slowing as financial pressures bite.

In March alone, the RSPCA received 1,517 reports about abandonments – up from 1,429 for the same month last year – a rise of 6%.

Michael added: “We understand the financial difficulties some people are experiencing right now, however abandoning your pet, or not seeking appropriate veterinary help if it’s needed, is never acceptable. There is help and support available and we would urge people to contact their vets, local rescues and animal welfare charities.”

Anyone who has information about the cat’s abandonment should contact the RSPCA’s appeals line on 0300 123 8018.

To help pet-owners who are worrying about financial costs, there is information on the RSPCA’s cost of living hub. Alternatively, you can call the charity’s dedicated cost of living call line on 0300 123 0650.