RHS gardens are crawling with activity this October half term


This October half term, the Royal Horticultural Society is inviting families to delve into the world of deadliest plants and bugs with a week of fun family activities at each of the five RHS Gardens (Saturday 22 to Sunday 30 October 2022).

In the lead up to Halloween the RHS Gardens (RHS Wisley in Surrey, RHS Bridgewater in Greater Manchester, RHS Harlow Carr in Yorkshire, RHS Hyde Hall in Essex and RHS Rosemoor in Devon) will be lifting the lid on how clever creepy-crawlies and super-smart plants fight back. Follow the trail around the RHS Gardens to explore how plants and insects from cacti to centipedes defend themselves and their habitats. Meet all kinds of bugs and get stuck in with craft and planting workshops and more.

RHS Garden Bridgewater

Head to RHS Garden Bridgewater this October for some fun craft and planting activities inspired by the carnivorous plants and cacti that fight back, and discover the phenomenal world of fungi with foraging and join storyteller Yan Tan Tethera for a family walk inspired by magical mushroom folklore.


RHS Garden Harlow Carr

Get stuck in with a week of great family activities at RHS Garden Harlow Carr. Mr Plant Geek will be here to tell you all about the weird and wacky world of plants, and head to forest school where you can make a scary ugly bug facemask, just in time for Halloween!


RHS Garden Hyde Hall

Head to RHS Garden Hyde Hall for lots of autumn half term fun! Discover how plants and insects use fangs, stings, spines and slime to defend themselves. Get up close to real-life mini-beasts and have a go at some creepy-crawly crafts.


RHS Garden Rosemoor

Things are about to get creepy at RHS Garden Rosemoor! Explore the secret world of bugs with Exmoor Zoo and try out insect-inspired crafts every day of the week. Discover creepy-crawlies and all kinds of weird and wacky plants on the interactive garden trail, and have a go at pumpkin painting.


RHS Garden Wisley

Come along to Wisley to investigate some incredible insects with ZooLab and our Hands-On at Hilltop sessions. Design a deadly bug or start growing your own carnivorous plant at one of our craft and planting workshops, and get gardening with the Education Team to find out more about the wicked plants and wildlife who make Wisley their home.
