Sadiq Khan Refuses to Back Removing the Two Child Benefit Cap


The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has refused to commit to removing the controversial Two Child Benefit Cap or to lobbying the new incumbent Labour Government on the issue.

The questioning by the Liberal Democrat Leader on the London Assembly Hina Bokhari sparked an angry response by the Mayor who repeatedly refused to put on record his stance on the issue.

When asked if he would write to the new Government in support of removing the cap, the Mayor instead resorted to attacking the Liberal Democrats, despite the two child benefit cap being introduced by the Conservatives in 2017, over two years after the coalition ended.

Responding to the exchange, Hina Bokhari AM said:

“It is extremely disappointing that instead of engaging with this serious issue, the Mayor chose to respond with an angry outburst rather than answering the question.

“The Liberal Democrats had nothing to do with the introduction of the two-child benefit cap, but we have been one of the biggest advocates of scrapping the policy, unlike Labour who have so far been complicit in keeping the policy in place.

“Countless young Londoners are being trapped in a cycle of poverty by the two-child benefit cap and experts are clear, ending the two-child benefit cap is the most effective and quickest way of reducing child poverty in our country.

“The Mayor of London should be standing up and using the full voice of his office to support the removal of this cruel policy.”