Sons IE – Why Starting Hair Loss Treatment Early is Vital


The signs of hair loss slowly progress over time; they don’t appear suddenly, which is why some men struggle to see the signs until they become more significant.

Starting your hair loss treatment early gives you a better chance of fighting the issue, but why is this the case? Let’s explore the reasons for this and how early you should act to slow and halt the problem.

The Early Signs of Hair Loss

What does hair loss look like? Assuming the reason you’re losing your hair is genetic, as male pattern hair loss is the most common form of hair loss, there are often telltale signs.

Firstly, you might notice your hair thinning more at your hairline or crown; these areas typically thin before other parts of your hair if you are experiencing male pattern hair loss, so ensure you monitor these areas periodically.

It can be challenging to inspect your crown with the angles available, so we advise you to either use two mirrors to reflect the image from one mirror into your primary bathroom mirror or take photos of the area now and then to check the regression.

Otherwise, seeing more strands of hair on your shower floor or pillow each morning than you usually do indicates that hair loss could be occurring. Men lose between 50-100 hairs daily, but if you’re seeing more strands than ever around the house, it could be a sign of hair loss.

Why Is Early Hair Loss Intervention Important?

The quicker you act, the more likely you are to save the hair follicles that remain healthy. If you are completely bald, you won’t be able to salvage your hair, so combating the issue before this happens is essential.

Due to androgenetic alopecia (male pattern hair loss), our hair follicles and the strands that grow become weaker over time, resulting in worse quality hair i.e. thinning hair. If we act earlier, we can save many of the hair follicles on our scalp and stand a better possibility of regrowth.

The later you leave hair loss to happen, the harder it will be to fight the issue; any chance of regrowth will decrease as time goes on, and the miniaturisation process will continue for longer.

A consultation with a premier hair loss specialist is the best way to determine how far along your hair loss is.

The Treatments to Fight Hair Loss

The best forms of treatment for hair loss are prescribed medications, namely Minoxidil and Finasteride; these medications work differently but are both effective at slowing the rate of loss and ultimately stopping it.


Minoxidil is a topical formula applied twice daily to the affected areas, increasing the amount of oxygen and blood flow your scalp will see. In turn, this will reduce how long your hair rests and increase the growth phase of your hair cycle.

DHT hormones cause hair loss in men and are created by testosterone. Finasteride works to stop that conversion so your body possesses less DHT and leaves your hair less threatened by the androgen.