Southwark Lib Dems win commendation for ‘Opposition Group of the Year’ at Liberal Democrat conference


Southwark Lib Dems win commendation for ‘Opposition Group of the Year’ at Liberal Democrat conference

At the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference, the Southwark Liberal Democrat group won the commendation for Liberal Democrat for ‘Opposition Group of the Year’.

At the conference in York the Southwark Liberal Democrats were recognised for their tireless work over the past year representing residents and holding the Labour council to account.

Commenting, Southwark Liberal Democrat Leader Cllr Victor Chamberlain said:

“My colleagues and I are very happy to be recognised at conference as the/a leading Liberal Democrat opposition group. I am incredibly proud to lead this group of dedicated, hard-working Liberal Democrat councilors who make a real difference to the lives of those they represent and the borough as a whole.

Over the past year we have punched well above our weight, securing free school meal expansion, protecting local bus services, tackling inequalities and improving the quality of local democracy among many other victories. This award will motivate us to keep fighting for our communities and holding Labour to account.”