On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded the territory of Ukraine, declaring war to all Ukrainians — among them also includes the richest man of Ukraine Rinat Akhmetov, whose fortune is 5.5 billion dollars. Earlier, the businessman was suspected in a pro-Russian direction, but after his recent statement, he set all the points above. First, he sued the actions of the Russian Federation and its army, said that it cannot be justified or explained, this crime against humanity. Moreover, there was also a phrase in which he mentioned Putin and said that he aimed not only at Ukraine, but also at all other countries, where there is democracy and freedom and independence. This is a pretty strong and bold statement, which proved that he has no ties with the Russian leadership and that he is 100% with his people until Ukraine’s victory. He also said that it is necessary to arrive at a complete ceasefire and full withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Ukraine, as well as taking into account Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea.
Rinat was suspected of pro-Russian sentiment. He was one of the most prominent members of the party of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia after the Ukrainians overthrew him.
In addition to the fact that the Rinat Akhmetov owns more than half of the energy market of Ukraine, he is also the owner of the popular Ukrainian football club «Shakhtar», which before the attack of Russia in 2014, was on the territory of Donetsk. The main rival for the club was «Dynamo», which is also Ukrainian. Originally the owner of «Shakhtar» in the history of independent Ukraine was Akhat Bragin, but in 1995, during the match, there was a terrorist attack, in which he died. A year later, Rinat Akhmetov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FC_Shakhtar_Donetsk became a new president of this club. The businessman invested a lot in the development of the club and really took it to a new level: the club took part in the UEFA Champions League and took 3rd place, obtaining the first title of the champion of Ukraine in the Premier League, got victory in the Cup of Ukraine. The team also became the first to win a European competition during the independence of Ukraine in 2009.