The Stress Epidemic: How Anxiety Interferes With Learning


It’s hard to find people who didn’t experience anxiety at least once in their lives. There is nothing wrong. It’s a reaction to stressful situations that helps us to stay aware. Most people deal with their fears and overcome them.

Unfortunately, when people experience anxiety frequently, it’s a bad sign. It means that they have a particular mental disorder or don’t know how to deal with their fears. Unfortunately, according to the latest reports, more than 65% of college students suffer from anxiety. The statistics indicate that stress is an epidemic among students.

Reasons for Anxiety

There are a lot of reasons why students experience anxiety. Some of them are individual and require professional treatment. Therefore, roughly 23% of learners who suffered from stress and anxiety were treated by mental health specialists. In the post below, you will find the top-3 reasons that cause anxiety among students.

Sleep Disruption

It’s a well-known fact that learners are always short in time. They frequently drink large doses of caffeine and spend all-nighters to pass their papers until a deadline to get high grades. However, some learners choose an alternative way and purchase college essay online. It helps maintain a high college score and not to challenge their mental and physical health. 

Academic Factors

Since learners have only one aim in their lives, different failures can cause stress. When students don’t achieve excellent academic results, they start suffering from anxiety because of the fear of worsening their GPA. 


People are social creatures. Unfortunately, these days, a lot of individuals experience a lack of communication and loneliness. When students spend all their free time being locked in a library, even a high motivation level cannot avoid overburdening and college stress. 

Risks of Anxiety for Learners

A lot of students think that anxiety is a temporary mental disorder that doesn’t have a negative impact. However, it can be hazardous for students. Keep reading the post and learn more about the risk of anxiety for students. 

Decreased Sleep Quality

It’s vital to have a good night’s sleep as it helps people reboot and renew their energy. Unfortunately, even when students have enough time for high-quality sleep in their schedule, they can hardly fall asleep on time. The absence of an adequate amount of sleep can cause decreased performance.  

Worsened Academic Achievements

One of four students reports that academic stress worsens their grades. It happens because persistent anxiety decreases the ability to focus. Consequently, learners are always distracted by the feeling of fear and thought about anything but not homework. 

Stress and anxiety have the worst impact on students who learn exact sciences as they require complete attentiveness. Even a small mistake in calculations can lead to a wrong solution and wasted hours of work. In such a case, failures can only amplify anxiety. 

Heightened Aggression

Sometimes, students have an increased feeling of anger. In most cases, it’s caused by a lack of sleep and uninterrupted stress because of deadlines. Students who experience irritability or suffer from disrespectful behavior from other students or tutors shouldn’t ignore the problem. Otherwise, it will only get worse. 

Alcohol and Drug Consumption

Unfortunately, some students who suffer from anxiety decide to reduce stress by consuming alcohol or substances. Drugs can provide a short-term positive effect on reducing stress. However, in the long-term, consuming substances is a reliable way to be excluded from college. 

Therefore, if you’re a student who suffers from persistent stress, go to a doctor and get a prescription. Alternatively, you can try to order essay on the Internet to free your schedule and get distracted from education. Feel free to spend your spare time doing what you like the most, even if it’s sleeping.

Uncomfortable Study Environment

In some cases, anxiety can lead to making a study environment inconvenient for learners. Expressing stress during lectures, students decrease their ability to learn new skills and remember crucial information. In such a case, only a licensed psychologist can help determine a problem and find a way to resolve it.

Decreased Memory and Concentration

Suffering from anxiety, students decrease their ability to remember information significantly. It happens because learners are distracted by side thoughts. It can only reduce the capability to hold information for a short period. For instance, students who suffer from anxiety can hardly deal with complicated tasks like writing a research paper.

Risk of Dropout

Continuous stress can lead to worsened academic achievements, missed lectures, and overdue college papers. Consequently, learners who decide not to deal with anxiety while studying have a high risk of dropout. 

How To Deal with Anxiety

Fortunately, there are a lot of effective ways to deal with anxiety. A student who suffers from this disorder can go to a psychologist for a professional consultation. A learner can also visit a doctor to treat anxiety with the help of medications. Nevertheless, an adolescent can get treatment from alternative therapists as well.