Things That Attract a Woman to Another Woman


Let’s talk about what really makes the sparks fly between two women, shall we? Attraction? It’s a wild thing. Especially when we’re talking about women loving women. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into same-sex dating or you’ve been swimming in this pool for years, some traits tend to catch our eye more than others. So, let’s cut the fluff and get into what really makes a woman swoon over another woman.

Emotional Connection and Empathy

The emotional connection. Look, we all know that attraction isn’t just about what’s on the outside. It’s about the feels, too. And when it comes to women, those feels run deep. Women often value understanding and empathy like it’s their lifeline in a relationship. It’s about that instant click when you just get each other, no explanations needed.

If you’re on a date, and she’s not only listening to your rants about your annoying co-worker and you both end up laughing so hard that you nearly snort your drink. Maybe you even joked about searching for lesbian hookups just to break the ice, and somehow, it led to a real conversation about your experiences. That’s the magic of shared experiences. The ability to emotionally resonate with one another and create a safe space where you can let your guard down. On dating sites, this translates to messages that go beyond surface-level banter. It’s about those deep convos that make you think, “Damn, she really gets me.”

Confidence and Authenticity

Confident women are hot. But it’s not about being the loudest person in the room or trying to be someone you’re not. It’s about owning who you are, quirks and all. Whether you’re rocking a killer career, indulging in some off-the-wall hobbies, or just doing you in your personal style, it’s that “take me as I am” vibe that really draws people in.

When you’re comfortable in your own skin, it shows. And trust us, women notice. There’s something magnetic about a woman who’s unapologetically herself. It’s not about fitting into a box but breaking out of it and owning every piece of what makes you yourself.

Shared Values and Interests

We’re not talking surface-level stuff like loving the same pizza toppings (though that’s a bonus). We’re looking deeper. Think about those values that make you tick, whether it’s a burning passion for social justice. Love for getting lost in the wilderness or a sense of humor that’s as twisted as a pretzel.

When two women share the same worldview or passions, it’s like finding a kindred spirit. You’re not just connecting over what you do but why you do it. And that is where you get that mushi-mushi feeling. It creates a strong foundation for something real. Something sticky. It’s like the universe is saying, “You two? Yeah, you belong together.”

Physical Attraction and Chemistry

You can’t deny it—physical attraction is a thing, and it’s a big thing. When two women vibe on a physical level, it’s like setting off fireworks. Sure, emotional and intellectual connections are important. But sex without chemistry is as dry as a nutmeg. It will suck every bit of pleasure of your connection.

When you lock eyes and feel that zing, or when body language speaks louder than words, that’s chemistry in action. It’s the unspoken connection, those lingering touches, the playful nudges, and yeah, maybe even that grin that says, “I’m into you.”

It’s important to note that physical attraction is subjective. What one person finds attractive might not be the same for another. And that’s perfectly fine!

Physical attraction can be the spark, but the emotional connection is the flame that keeps the fire burning. Women often connect deeply through shared experiences, mutual support, and emotional understanding. When you’re emotionally in sync, you feel seen, heard, and appreciated for who you truly are.

It’s about those late-night talks, the shared laughter, and the comfort of knowing someone has your back. An emotional connection goes beyond surface-level attraction—it’s the glue that holds everything together.

Brains are sexy. Period. Intellectual stimulation can be a massive turn-on. Especially when you find someone who challenges your thoughts and expands your horizons. It’s not about being a walking encyclopedia but about being curious and open-minded.

When two women connect intellectually, it creates a deeper level of understanding. It’s about more than just agreeing on everything—new ideas, challenging each other, and growing together.


The attraction between two women is a complex and beautiful thing. It’s a mix of physical, emotional, and intellectual stimulation. Use your unique qualities and seek out women that resonate with your true self. Because at the end of the day, real attraction is about more than just looks. It’s about finding someone who clicks with you on every level.