Tips for Taming Your Stress


Stress is how people react when they are threatened or under pressure. Stress usually occurs when you find yourself in a situation you cannot control or manage. 

Sometimes, you need a small amount of stress to complete your tasks. Stress in such a situation can energise you, but it can easily become a problem when it becomes intense or lasts for a long time. Stress can hurt your mental and physical health. 

Types of stress

According to medical practitioners, stress can be chronic or acute.

  • Acute stress occurs within a few minutes to a few hours after an incident. This type of stress lasts a short period, usually a few weeks. However, the stress could be intense. For example, an unexpected event like a natural disaster, assault, or grief can cause acute stress. 
  • Chronic stress lasts for a long time. Sometimes it goes on and off. You can experience chronic stress if you are under a lot of pressure most of the time. You can also feel chronic stress if your daily life is difficult. 

Managing your stress

Stress can make you irritable, frustrated, and moody. You can find several stress relievers that can help restore your serenity and calm. Try some of these tips to help you manage your stress. 

  • Drink natural stress relievers

You might be surprised that some drinks can help you relieve stress. Some therapists say you can drink coconut water, which helps lower cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone. You can try chamomile tea, ginger juice, dark chocolate, and fresh fruit and vegetable juice. You can also try using CBD hash products, which are said to have the potential to relieve anxiety and stress. You can click here to purchase CBD hash products legally in the UK.  

  • Stay active

Many people attest that physical activity, however light, can relieve stress. Even simple exercises are effective. As you engage in physical activity, your body releases endorphins and other natural neural chemicals that make you feel good. Moreover, exercise shifts your mind to refocus on how your body moves instead on what irritates you. You can clean the house, dance, swim, jog, walk, garden, bike, or lift weights. You can do so many light physical activities inside or outside your house to relieve stress. 

  • Meditate

For many stressed people, meditation helps. But it is important to learn the proper way to meditate. Look for someone who provides guided meditation, including visualisation and guided imagery. Meditating can help you focus quickly to free your mind and stay calm while visualising that you are at peace. 

  • Connect with other people

When you are feeling stressed, you tend to isolate yourself. Unfortunately, it does not do you any good. The best method to manage your stress is to be in the company of people you trust, with whom you can discuss your problems, share funny stories, and have a good laugh.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to avoid stress. But you can lower your stress level if you know how to cope and implement self-care measures. For example, reinforce your stress-relieving activities with counselling or therapy.