Top 3 Dental Procedures to Consider in Turkey: From Crowns to Contouring


Dental care has become a tricky business in the UK in recent years. The cost of many dental procedures has skyrocketed, and whether it’s a routine cleaning or something more complex, high prices can lead people to either delay or just forgo important dental care. For many others, the exorbitant prices and often lengthy NHS waiting times are leading to them to explore more affordable options abroad – a practice often referred to as dental tourism.

One of the most popular destinations for dental tourism is Turkey, a country well known for its state-of-the-art dental clinics and highly skilled professionals. With clinics like Smile Dental Turkey, patients benefit from world-class services and care with significant cost savings. Here’s the lowdown on three dental procedures available in Turkey – covering what’s involved, what to prepare for, and what to expect at the end!

Dental crowns

Dental crowns are best thought of as caps which are placed over the entire visible part of a tooth. They’re used to cover up damaged or decayed teeth, restoring their shape, size, strength while enhancing their appearance. Dental crowns are most commonly used for teeth that are too damaged to be repaired with a filling but aren’t at the point where they need to be extracted. They are also used to form the top part of dental implants to replace missing teeth.

If you’ve got teeth that are spoiling your smile, or have problems with biting, then you’re in good company. Dental crowns are one of the most popular dental treatments!

What’s involved?

Typically, the process requires two visits to the clinic. Firstly, the dentist will examine the tooth, which sometimes involves an x-ray. They will also prepare the teeth involved by removing any decay and shaping to make room for the crown. Then, an impression is taken so the crown can be custom made to fit! A temporary crown is then fitted so the tooth is protected while the permanent crown is created. When ready the permanent crown is then fitted in place at a second visit.

What to expect

A beautiful, natural looking result which blends in with existing teeth. And not only you’re your smile and appearance be improved, but function will also improve, due to better biting angles. Especially important for those with problems related to their bite. Of course, patients should ensure they continue to look after their teeth, following proper oral hygiene habits with regular visits to their dentist at home. Great care will help ensure the crown lasts for years to come!

Gum contouring

Many of us think it’s the teeth that defines the smile, but the placement of the gums also plays a big part. If your “gummy” smile is getting you down, then this cosmetic treatment is for you! Designed to enhance the smile by reshaping the gum line, the process adjusts the contour of the gums, exposing more of the teeth. This creates a more proportionate and appealing smile.

The process

Gum contouring is a procedure that has been around for many years, and traditionally was performed by a scalpel. However, manually removing excess tissue causes a lot of bleeding, so the best Turkish clinics now perform gum contouring using a diode laser. This cauterises the wound as the gum tissue is trimmed, which speeds up healing as well as reducing bleeding. Whichever method you chose, local anaesthesia is used to minimise discomfort.

The result

Some discomfort is to be expected as the patient heals, but recovery time is usually quick. You can expect to achieve a more balanced and appealing smile, with your teeth looking more proportioned. The “gummy” smile is eliminated!

Dental implants

Dental implants are a modern solution to a very old problem – missing teeth. Implants are small, incredibly strong (they’re made from titanium) artificial tooth roots which are surgically fixed into the jawbone where teeth are missing. They act as a substitute for the tooth root, enabling fixed or temporary artificial teeth to be fitted.

What happens?

The process involves multiple stages and several visits to your chosen dentist. It should never be taken lightly – treatment periods vary from patient to patient but you’re looking at anything from 3 months to 9 months. The best Turkish dentists use the “All-on-4” procedure, a less invasive system which replaces teeth with fewer implants than older methods. The dentist will examine you and take an x-ray if necessary. They’ll also discuss all treatment options and follow a process which ensures this treatment is right for you.

If you are suitable for the procedure, local (or general if appropriate for the individual) anaesthesia is used to numb the gums and surrounding areas. The dentist will then prepare the gums for the implants and then surgically place the titanium posts into the jawbone. Once the implant is in place, the jawbone gradually grows around it, which helps the implant become a permanent part of your mouth. After the healing period, dentures are fixed to the implants permanently.

What can I expect?

Dental implants involve major surgery, and there is a substantial recovery period. You can expect to experience discomfort, swelling and pain, especially after the initial surgery. You’ll need to rest for at least a week after the surgery. Your dentist will be able to advise on treatments to help manage the pain. But the results can be life-changing for patients – they can expect a strong, permanent, natural, and aesthetically pleasing replacement for missing teeth. Not only do patients look better, but eating and even speaking can be transformed!

Final thoughts

Whether you are looking for a simple cosmetic treatment or a more complex solution, then Turkey’s dental industry offers truly world class options with a compelling blend of quality and affordability. It’s no surprise that more and more people use the best Turkish dental clinics every year. Wherever in the world you choose to have your dental work done (even if you decide to get it done in the UK) then you should research everything beforehand and discuss every aspect of treatment with your chosen dentist. They should be happy to answer your questions and together you will be able to achieve the best possible results.